Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes


Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes

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Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes – These Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes. Are the perfect blend of sweet and savory. Featuring tender potatoes. Coated in a rich honey-butter glaze. With a sprinkle of fresh parsley. With just six simple ingredients. This recipe will elevate your potato game. In no time. The creamy texture of the butter. Paired with the sweet honey. Is sure to make this dish. A crowd-pleaser.

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I made this recipe for the first time. On a busy weeknight. When I needed something quick yet flavorful. To serve with dinner. My husband. Who is usually more of a “meat and potatoes” kind of guy. Couldn’t get enough of the sweet glaze. On these potatoes. Even my child. Who isn’t the biggest fan of veggies. Was reaching for seconds. Now, it’s a staple in our household. Especially when we need. A comforting, easy side dish.

What makes this Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes truly special?

The beauty of this dish. Is its simplicity. You don’t need many ingredients. Or advanced cooking techniques. To create something truly delicious. The honey gives the potatoes. A subtle sweetness. While the butter. Adds a luxurious, rich texture. The quick golden sear. On the potatoes. Gives them a slightly crispy exterior. While keeping the insides fluffy. And tender. It’s the perfect side dish. For any meal. From casual weeknight dinners. To special occasions.

Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes

What You Need To Make This Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes Recipe?

Potatoes: I love using Yukon gold. Or baby red potatoes. For this recipe. They hold up well during cooking. And have a naturally buttery flavor. Making them the perfect match. For the honey butter glaze.

Butter: The real magic here! It creates that glossy, rich coating. That makes these potatoes irresistible. Make sure it’s unsalted. So you can control the seasoning.

Honey: This adds a delightful sweetness. Without overpowering the other flavors. It caramelizes beautifully. Giving the potatoes. A subtle crunch. And golden color.

Parsley: Fresh parsley adds a vibrant green contrast to the dish. And a slight herbal note. That balances out the sweetness. And richness of the glaze.

Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes

Steps To Make Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes:

Step 1: Start by placing your cubed potatoes. Into a large pot of cold water. Setting it over medium heat. Bring it to a gentle boil. And let them cook. Until they’re fork-tender.

Step 2: While they’re boiling away. Get your skillet ready! Melt that butter. In a large pan. Over medium heat. Then stir in the honey, salt, and pepper. Until you’ve got a rich, bubbling mixture.

Step 3: Drain the potatoes. And carefully add them. To the skillet. Give them a nice sear—cook for 5-6 minutes. To get that golden crust. On one side. Then flip. And cook. For another 5-7 minutes. For even more caramelized goodness.

Step 4: Sprinkle in fresh parsley. For a pop of flavor. And they’re ready to serve!

Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes


For extra crispy potatoes. Make sure to dry them well after boiling. You can even let them sit. For a few minutes. To release any excess moisture. And when you’re searing them. In the skillet. Don’t rush the process—let one side caramelize fully before flipping. This gives the potatoes. A gorgeous golden crust. That contrasts beautifully. With the soft, fluffy inside. Trust me. The crispy edges. Soaked in that sweet honey butter. Will be everyone’s favorite part!

Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use different types of potatoes?

Yes! Yukon golds, baby reds. Or even russet potatoes work well. In this recipe. Just adjust the cooking time. Based on the size of the potato pieces.

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

You can boil the potatoes in advance. And store them in the fridge. When you’re ready to serve. Just sear and glaze them. In the honey-butter mixture.

Can I substitute the honey?

Maple syrup or agave syrup are great substitutes. If you’re looking for a different flavor. Or need to make it vegan (use plant-based butter. For a vegan option too).

Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes


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Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes

Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
These Glazed Honey Butter Potatoes are one of those dishes. That seems deceptively simple. But pack a punch. When it comes to flavor. The combination of tender potatoes, sweet honey, and rich butter. Creates a delicious balance of savory. And sweet. The key to making these potatoes extra special. Is that caramelized, golden-brown sear—they’re crispy on the outside. And melt-in-your-mouth soft. On the inside. Whether you're serving them as a side dish. For a family meal. Or as a comforting snack. These potatoes are always a hit. Perfect for busy weeknights. Or casual gatherings!


  • 1 lb. potatoes cut into 2-inch cubes
  • 4 tbsp of unsalted butter
  • 4 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley roughly chopped


  1. Place the potatoes. In a large pot. And cover them. With cold water. Bring to a boil. Over medium heat. Once the potatoes are fork-tender. Drain. And set aside.
  2. In a large skillet. Melt the butter. Over medium heat. Stir in the honey. Salt, and pepper. Combining everything. Until the mixture. Begins to simmer.
  3. Carefully add the drained potatoes. To the skillet. Turn the heat up. To medium-high. And cook for 5-6 minutes. Until one side. Gets a nice golden sear. Flip the potatoes gently. And cook for another 5-7 minutes. Until fully browned.
  4. Finish with fresh parsley. Serve warm. And enjoy!


To make this recipe gluten-free. It’s already nearly there! Just ensure that the potatoes. Are prepared in a clean, gluten-free environment. And double-check that your honey. And any seasonings. Don’t contain hidden gluten. Some store-bought spices. And seasonings may contain additives. So using single-ingredient spices. Is your best bet. For a safe, gluten-free dish. Enjoy the same sweet. And savory goodness. Without any worry!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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