Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars


Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars

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Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars – If you’re a fan of nostalgic treats. These Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars. Are going to be your new obsession! Flaky, buttery pastry. With a gooey cinnamon sugar filling. And a sweet glaze. To finish it off. Perfect for breakfast, and snacks. Or just a sweet indulgence.

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I made these Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars for the first time. On a cozy Saturday morning. I remember how excited my kids were. As the house filled with the warm aroma of cinnamon and sugar. My husband. Who has always loved classic pop-tarts. Couldn’t believe these were homemade! Now, they’ve become a weekend tradition. And we enjoy them fresh out of the oven. While sipping on coffee. And milk—everyone’s favorite weekend moment.

What makes this Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars truly special?

These poptart bars are everything you love. About the childhood treat. But made with real, simple ingredients. The dough is soft and buttery. Thanks to the cream cheese. Which gives it an almost melt-in-your-mouth quality. The filling is packed with sweet cinnamon and brown sugar. Making each bite. Perfectly spiced and cozy. The quick lemon-spiked glaze on top. Adds the perfect touch of sweetness. And brightness to balance the rich flavors. Plus, they’re so much fun to make!

Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars

What You Need To Make This Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars Recipe?

Cream Cheese: The secret to a soft, flaky pastry. Is this little block of cream cheese. It adds richness. And a subtle tang. That pairs perfectly with the sweet cinnamon filling. Make sure it’s at room temperature. So it blends smoothly. With the butter.

Unsalted Butter: Always go for unsalted butter in baking. So you can control the salt levels. Here, the butter creates that classic buttery pastry we all crave. Giving the bars their crisp. And golden layers. Plus, it’s what makes the filling extra indulgent.

Heavy Cream: A splash of heavy cream in the dough. Makes it extra soft and rich. It’s also used in the glaze. Adding a silky smooth texture. I always say. Don’t skimp on the cream—it’s what makes these bars. So luxuriously tender.

Kosher Salt: I love using kosher salt. Because it’s less intense. Than regular table salt. And you can really feel like a chef. When you toss it in. It balances out all the sweetness. And you’ll notice how it brings out the flavors. In the pastry and the filling.

Brown Sugar: Brown sugar adds a deep, caramel-like sweetness. That pairs beautifully. With the cinnamon. It’s the star of the filling. And its molasses content. Keeps everything moist. And chewy—exactly what you want. In a pop tart bar.

All-Purpose Flour: Good old flour—this is the foundation of the dough. You’ll notice that these bars hold their shape. And have that perfect flaky texture. Thanks to a simple cup or two of this pantry staple.

Egg: The egg helps bind the dough together. And adds a bit of richness. It also makes the dough easier to roll out. So you’ll get that smooth pastry texture. We all love in a pop tart.

Ground Cinnamon: Ah, cinnamon! The warm, comforting spice. That turns these bars. Into something magical. Don’t be shy with it—it’s what gives the filling. That nostalgic, cinnamon-sugar flavor. We all remember. From our favorite childhood treats.

Vanilla Extract: Just a teaspoon. But it makes all the difference. Vanilla brings warmth. And sweetness to both the filling. And the glaze. It rounds out the flavors. And ties everything together.

Powdered Sugar: For that perfectly smooth, sweet glaze. That coats the top of the bars. Powdered sugar is a must. It dissolves easily. And creates a creamy consistency. Especially when mixed with heavy cream. And a splash of lemon juice.

Fresh Lemon Juice: A little zing of lemon juice in the glaze. Brightens everything up. It cuts through the sweetness. And gives the glaze a hint of freshness. That takes these bars. From good to amazing.

Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars

Steps To Make Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars:

Step 1: Preheat & Prep: Preheat your oven to 325ºF. And line a quarter sheet tray. With parchment paper.

Step 2: Make the Dough: In a stand mixer. Fitted with a paddle attachment. Blend the cream cheese, butter, heavy cream, kosher salt, and brown sugar. Until smooth. Slowly add in the flour. Until a soft dough forms.

Step 3: Shape the Dough: Lightly knead the dough 3-4 times. Until it’s firm. Divide it into two rectangles. Wrap each in plastic wrap. And refrigerate. For at least 30 minutes.

Step 4: Roll the Dough: Roll out one rectangle. To fit your prepared baking tray. Lay it on the parchment paper.

Step 5: Mix the Filling: In a bowl. Combine the brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, melted butter, vanilla extract, and salt. Spread the filling evenly. Over the dough.

Step 6: Top with Dough: Roll out the second dough rectangle. And carefully place it on top of the filling. Use a fork. To press down the edges. Creating that classic poptart look.

Step 7: Bake: Bake for 35-40 minutes. Until golden. While baking. Whisk together the glaze ingredients.

Step 8: Glaze and Enjoy: Let the bars cool slightly. Then drizzle the glaze. Over the top. Once the glaze is set. Slice. And enjoy!

Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars


For perfect flaky layers. In these Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars. Make sure to chill the dough. For at least 30 minutes. Before rolling it out. This gives the butter. And cream cheese time to firm up. Which helps create that tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture once baked. Also, don’t rush spreading the glaze—letting the bars cool slightly. Ensures the glaze sets perfectly. Without melting into the dough. For an extra treat. Try drizzling a little extra honey. Or maple syrup. Over the glaze. For added sweetness!

Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make these bars ahead of time?

Absolutely! These poptart bars store well. In an airtight container. For up to 3 days. Just reheat them slightly. If you prefer them warm.

Can I use store-bought dough?

Yes, if you’re short on time. Store-bought pie dough. Can be a quick substitute. However, the homemade version with cream cheese. Gives it a special, tender texture.

Can I substitute the filling?

Definitely! You can swap the cinnamon-sugar filling for jam, and Nutella. Or even a fruit compote. To suit your preference.

Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars

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Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars

Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
inactive 30 minutes
These Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars. Are a delightful twist. On the classic treat. We all loved as kids. With a flaky, buttery crust. And a rich cinnamon-sugar filling. Every bite brings a touch of nostalgia. And comfort. The glaze adds a sweet finishing touch. And the bars are easy to whip up. Making them perfect. For a weekend treat. Whether youโ€™re enjoying them. With a cup of coffee. Or packing them for a snack. These bars are sure to be a hit. With the whole family.


For the Pastry:

  • 6 ounces room-temperature cream cheese
  • 1/2 c softened unsalted butter
  • 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp packed brown sugar
  • 2 c all-purpose flour
  • 1 large egg

For the Filling:

  • 3/4 c packed brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 c melted unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt

For the Glaze:

  • 1 c powdered sugar
  • 1/4 c heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice


  1. Preheat your oven to 325ยฐF. And line a quarter sheet tray. With parchment paper.
  2. In a stand mixer. With a paddle attachment. Combine the cream cheese and butter. Heavy cream, kosher salt, and brown sugar. Until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Gradually add the flour. And mix. Until the dough becomes soft. And pliable. Knead it 3 to 4 times. Until it forms. A cohesive dough. Divide the dough. Into two portions. Shape them into rectangles. And wrap each. In plastic wrap. Chill in the refrigerator. For at least 30 minutes.
  4. After chilling. Roll out one piece of dough. Into a rectangle. That fits the size of your prepared baking sheet. Place it onto the parchment-lined tray.
  5. In a separate bowl. Mix the brown sugar filling. And spread it evenly. Over the rolled dough. Reaching all edges.
  6. Roll out the second portion of dough. To match the first. And place it. On top of the filling. Seal the edges. By pressing down. With a fork. Creating a pop tart-style crust.
  7. Bake for 35-40 minutes. While it's baking. Prepare the glaze. By whisking. All the glaze ingredients together.
  8. Once baked. Allow the pop tart. To cool slightly. Before spreading the glaze on top.


To make these Sweet Cinnamon Sugar Poptart Bars gluten-free. Simply substitute the all-purpose flour. With a high-quality gluten-free flour blend. That includes xanthan gum for structure. You can also find gluten-free graham flour. To keep the texture nice and flaky. Ensure your baking powder. And other ingredients. Are certified gluten-free. And follow the rest of the steps as usual. The result will still be buttery, and rich. And just as satisfying!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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