Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter


Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter

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Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter – This Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter. Combines the perfect balance of savory heat. And a touch of sweetness. Made with cheddar, jalapeños, and creamed corn. This cornbread is deliciously moist. With a crispy edge. Thanks to a preheated cast iron pan. Served with fluffy honey butter. It’s irresistible!

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The first time I made this cornbread. I wasn’t sure how my family would react. To the jalapeños. But when it came out of the oven. With that golden-brown crust. The house was filled. With the most amazing aroma. My husband couldn’t resist. And had a slice. Before it even cooled. He loved the kick from the jalapeños. Combined with the sweetness of the honey butter. Now, it’s a staple side dish. For our chili nights. And even my picky eater. Asks for seconds!

What makes this Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter truly special?

This cornbread is a crowd-pleaser. With its perfect mix of textures. And flavors. The sweet honey butter. Mellows out the slight heat. From the jalapeños. Making it a hit. For both spice lovers. And those who prefer mild flavors. It’s moist on the inside. With a crispy, golden crust. Thanks to the cast iron baking method. Plus, it’s incredibly versatile—serve it with BBQ, or chili. Or simply enjoy it. As a snack.

Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter

What You Need To Make This Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter Recipe?

Cornmeal: Gives the cornbread its signature texture. And a subtle sweetness. That pairs perfectly. With the spices.

All-purpose flour: Helps provide structure. And stability to the cornbread. While keeping it soft.

Granulated sugar: Balances out the heat. From the jalapeños. Adding a sweet touch. Without overpowering the savory flavors.

Baking powder: Essential for getting that perfect rise. Making the cornbread light. And fluffy.

Eggs: Provide richness. And bind all the ingredients together. For a moist, dense loaf.

Butter: The melted butter adds richness. And moisture to the batter. And helps develop a golden-brown crust.

Creamed corn: Adds moisture. And an extra layer of corn flavor. While keeping the bread tender.

Jalapeños: These provide a subtle heat. Which complements the sweetness of the cornbread beautifully. Adjust to taste. If you prefer more or less spice.

Cheddar cheese: Adds a savory, slightly sharp flavor. That contrasts with the sweetness. For a well-rounded bite.

Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter

Steps To Make Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter:

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 400°F. And pop your cast iron pan inside. This step creates that incredible crispy edge. We all love. In a good cornbread.

Step 2: In a large mixing bowl. Whisk together. The dry ingredients—cornmeal, flour, sugar. Baking powder, and kosher salt. Make sure everything. Is well-combined!

Step 3: In another bowl. Whisk your eggs, melted butter, and creamed corn. Until smooth. Stir in the diced jalapeños. And grated cheddar. To get all those delicious flavors evenly distributed.

Step 4: Now, it’s time to bring it all together! Gently fold the wet ingredients. Into the dry mixture. Until just combined. Be careful. Not to overmix—just enough. To incorporate everything.

Step 5: Carefully remove the preheated cast iron pan. From the oven (it’s hot!). And give it a quick spray. With cooking oil. Pour the batter. Into the pan. And smooth the top.

Step 6: Bake for 25-30 minutes. Or until a toothpick. Inserted into the center. Comes out clean. The edges should be golden brown. And the center firm.

Step 7: While the cornbread is baking. Make your honey butter! Whip softened butter, honey, and salt together. Until fluffy. And pale yellow. Serve it alongside. The warm cornbread. Enjoy every bite!


For an extra crispy crust. Don’t skip preheating the cast iron pan in the oven! This creates that satisfying crunch. When you bite. Into a piece of cornbread. Also, if you like your cornbread extra moist. Try adding a tablespoon of honey. Or an extra splash of creamed corn. To the batter. When making the honey butter. Whip it longer than you think—it should be pale. And airy. A mixer works best. To get that light, fluffy texture. That melts effortlessly. On warm cornbread.

Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make this cornbread less spicy?

Yes! If you prefer a milder flavor. Simply reduce the amount of jalapeños. Or omit them altogether. You can also substitute. With a milder pepper like bell peppers. For a touch of sweetness. Without the heat.

Can I use regular corn instead of creamed corn?

While creamed corn adds extra moisture. And sweetness. You can use canned. Or frozen corn as a substitute. If using regular corn. Consider adding a tablespoon of honey. For a touch more sweetness.

Can I make this cornbread ahead of time?

Absolutely! This cornbread can be baked ahead of time. And stored at room temperature. For a day or in the fridge. For up to 3 days. Reheat it in the oven to 350°F. For about 10 minutes. To restore that crispy edge before serving.

Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter

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Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter

Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
This Sweet and Spicy Cornbread with Honey Butter. Brings the best of both worlds—spicy jalapeños and sharp cheddar cheese. Balanced with the subtle sweetness of honey butter. The creamed corn keeps it moist. While the preheated cast iron skillet. Gives it a perfect crispy crust. Serve it warm. With a generous spread of the light. And fluffy honey butter. And you've got an irresistible side dish. For BBQs, chili. Or even on its own. It’s a recipe. My family devours every time!


  • 1 1/3 c cornmeal
  • 1 c all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 c granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp kosher salt
  • 6 large eggs
  • 8 ounces melted butter
  • 1 15 ounces can creamed corn
  • 2 jalapeños finely diced
  • 1 c cheddar cheese shredded

For the honey butter:

  • 8 ounces unsalted butter softened
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F. And place a cast iron skillet inside. To heat up. This will help create. A crisp outer layer. On the cornbread.
  2. In one bowl. Whisk together. All the dry ingredients - cornmeal, flour, sugar. Baking powder, and salt.
  3. In a separate bowl. Whisk together. The wet ingredients: eggs, melted butter, and creamed corn. Stir in the diced jalapeños. And grated cheddar cheese.
  4. Carefully remove the hot cast iron skillet. From the oven. And grease it. With cooking spray. Pour the cornbread batter. Into the preheated skillet. Spreading it evenly.
  5. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Or until a toothpick inserted. Into the center. Comes out clean.
  6. While the cornbread bakes. Prepare the honey butter. Using a mixer. Beat the softened butter, honey, and salt. Until it becomes light, fluffy. And pale yellow in color.
  7. Once the cornbread. Is golden brown. And fully baked. Slice. And serve it. With a generous spread of the honey butter. Enjoy!


To make this cornbread gluten-free. Simply swap the all-purpose flour. With a high-quality gluten-free flour blend. Be sure the blend contains xanthan gum. For the best texture. The creamed corn, cheddar, and jalapeños. Provide all the flavor you need. So the gluten-free version. Will still taste delicious. And retain its moisture. Double-check that your baking powder is certified gluten-free. As some brands may contain trace gluten. You’ll still get that perfect balance of sweet, and spicy. And cheesy goodness!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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