Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza


Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza

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Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza – Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza combines the unique flavor of juicy blackberries. With a delightful mix of cheeses. On a crisp pizza crust. This recipe brings together mozzarella, parmesan, and ricotta. Perfectly complemented by fresh basil. And a touch of olive oil. It’s surprising and vibrant. And gourmet twist. On traditional pizza. That you’ll love!

The first time I made this Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza. It was meant to be an experiment. I’d never thought of putting fruit on pizza before. But the blackberries were so fresh. And bursting with flavor. I couldn’t resist. When I served it. To my husband and child. I wasn’t sure how they’d react—but they absolutely devoured it! The combination of sweet blackberries. And the savory cheese blend. Made it a household favorite. Now, we make this unique pizza. Whenever we want something. Exciting for dinner.

What makes this Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza truly stands out?

This Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza stands out. Because of its perfect balance of sweet. And savory flavors. The sweet burst from blackberries. Contrasts wonderfully. With the richness of the mozzarella, parmesan, and ricotta. The addition of fresh basil. During the last few minutes of baking. Adds a herby freshness. That elevates every bite. It’s a creative twist on pizza. That can turn any ordinary dinner. Into a gourmet experience.

Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza

What You Need To Make This Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza Recipe?

Pizza Crust: A good-quality unbaked pizza crust. Makes all the difference in texture. Store-bought works great for convenience. But feel free to make your own if you prefer.

Olive Oil: Adding a layer of olive oil. Helps give the crust a golden, crispy finish.

Blackberries: Use fresh, ripe blackberries. For the best flavor. Smashing some of them before baking. Releases their natural juices. Which creates a subtle sweetness. That complements the savory cheese.

Cheeses (Mozzarella, Parmesan, Ricotta): The blend of mozzarella and parmesan. Provides a classic, savory base. While the dollops of ricotta add creaminess. And balance the sweetness of the blackberries.

Basil: Fresh basil brings a burst of flavor. That ties everything together. Adding a touch of herbal freshness to the pizza.

Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza

Steps To Make Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza:

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 500°F. With a pizza stone inside. So it’s hot. And ready for baking. The stone will help ensure. A crisp and golden crust.

Step 3: Prepare the pizza crust. By brushing olive oil. Across the top. This will help give the crust. A crispy texture. As it bakes.

Step 3: Take half of the blackberries. Smash them slightly. And spread them. Over the crust. This adds a lovely sweet base.

Step 4: Sprinkle shredded mozzarella. And parmesan. Over the pizza. Making sure. To distribute it evenly.

Step 5: Cut the remaining blackberries in half. And scatter them. Across the pizza. Then, use a spoon. To drop small dollops of ricotta cheese. In random spots. On the pizza.

Step 6: Bake the pizza. On the preheated pizza stone. For about 10-15 minutes. Or until the cheeses are bubbly. And golden brown.

Step 7: Chop the basil. While the pizza bakes. Just before the pizza finishes cooking. Sprinkle the basil on top. To infuse it. With fresh flavor.

Step 8: Once done. Remove the pizza. From the oven. Slice it. Into 8 portions. And serve immediately!

Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza


To make your Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza extra special. Preheat your pizza stone to 500°F. For that perfectly crispy crust. Smashing half the blackberries. Releases their natural juices. Creating a deliciously sweet base. That pairs beautifully. With the savory mozzarella. And parmesan. Fresh basil added during the last minutes of baking. Infuses a burst of flavor. While the dollops of ricotta add creaminess. Don’t forget to drizzle a little honey. Or balsamic glaze. For a final touch of gourmet sweetness!

Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use frozen blackberries instead of fresh ones?

While fresh blackberries work best. You can use frozen ones. Just make sure to thaw. And drain them well. To avoid excess moisture.

Can I substitute other cheeses for mozzarella or ricotta?

Absolutely! Goat cheese or feta could be delicious alternatives. Adding a tangy twist.

Can I make this pizza gluten-free?

Yes! Simply use a gluten-free pizza crust. All the toppings are naturally gluten-free. So it’s an easy switch.

Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza

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Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza

Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
This Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza. Is a perfect fusion of unexpected flavors. Juicy blackberries add a natural sweetness. That pairs wonderfully. With the savory mozzarella. And parmesan cheeses. The fresh basil adds a bright, herby finish. While dollops of ricotta. Create a creamy texture. In every bite. With a crispy, golden crust. This pizza is an exciting. And gourmet alternative. To your usual pizza night. It's easy to make. And absolutely delicious—ideal for impressing family. And friends. With minimal effort.


  • 1 unbaked pizza crust 14 to 16 inches
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 c fresh blackberries around 1 pint
  • 1 c mozzarella cheese shredded
  • 1 c parmesan cheese shredded
  • 1/2 c ricotta cheese
  • 10 large basil leaves roughly chopped


  1. Preheat your oven to 500°F. And place a pizza stone. Inside to heat up.
  2. Prepare your unbaked pizza crust (14 to 16 inches). Lightly brush. The surface of the crust. With 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Take half of the blackberries. And gently smash them. Spreading them evenly. Across the crust.
  3. Next, sprinkle 1 cup of shredded mozzarella. And 1 cup of shredded parmesan. Over the top of the crust.
  4. Cut the remaining blackberries in half. And scatter them. Across the pizza. Drop spoonfuls of ricotta cheese. Randomly over the pizza.
  5. Bake the pizza. On the heated stone. For 10 to 15 minutes. Or until the cheese begins. To turn golden brown.
  6. As the pizza bakes. Roughly chop. Or chiffonade. The basil leaves. In the final few minutes of baking. Sprinkle the basil. Over the pizza.
  7. Once done. Remove from the oven. And cut the pizza. Into 8 slices.


To make this Sweet and Savory Blackberry Pizza gluten-free. Simply substitute the traditional pizza crust. With a gluten-free version. All the other ingredients in this recipe. From the blackberries to the cheeses. Are naturally gluten-free. So it’s an easy adaptation. Make sure your toppings. Like pesto or any additional sauces. Are also gluten-free. And enjoy this delicious twist on pizza. With no worry about gluten!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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