Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf


Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

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Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf – Our Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf. Featuring lean ground beef. And pork. Wrapped in crispy bacon. Is a delightful twist. On the classic comfort food. This recipe. Rich in flavors. And textures. Promises to be a hit. At your dining table. Ideal for family dinners. Or special occasions. It combines the heartiness of meatloaf. With the irresistible appeal of bacon. The main ingredients. Including lean meats. Fresh onion. And panko bread crumbs. Ensure a moist. And flavorful experience. In every bite.

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I still remember. The first time I decided to shrink down the traditional meatloaf. Into these adorable mini versions. It was a chilly evening. And I wanted to add a personal touch. To our family dinner. My husband’s eyes. Lit up at the sight. And our child. Couldn’t get enough of them. Their smiles. And the warmth. In their eyes. Made this recipe. A cherished memory. And a frequent request at our home.

What makes this Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf truly special?

What sets this Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf apart? First, it’s the size. Individual portions make serving a breeze. And add a touch of elegance. To this homely dish. Second, the bacon wrap. Not only infuses the meatloaf with a smoky flavor. But also adds a crispy texture. That contrasts wonderfully. With the tender meat inside. Lastly, this recipe is a fantastic way. To incorporate both beef and pork. Balancing flavors. And ensuring moisture.

Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

What You Need To Make This Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf Recipe?

Lean Ground Beef: The heart of our meatloaf. Offering rich. Meaty flavors. That make the foundation of our dish.

Lean Ground Pork: Adds a tender touch. Making our meatloaf juicy. And full of flavor.

Onion: A dash of sweetness and crunch. Infusing our meatloaf. With a layer of flavor. That complements the meats wonderfully.

Egg: The glue. That holds our friendship circle together. Keeping our meatloaf from falling apart.

Panko Bread Crumbs: These bring a lightness to the party. Helping to keep our meatloaf tender and juicy.

Milk: It softens the breadcrumbs. Which in turn keeps every bite of our meatloaf moist. And delicious.

Salt & Pepper: The essential seasonings. That make everything taste better. Adding just the right amount of spice to our gathering.

Bacon: Wraps everything up with its smoky flavor. And crispy texture. Making our meatloaf not just a meal. But a celebration.

Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

Steps To Make Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf:

Step 1: Gather your ingredients. And let’s embark on a culinary journey together. Start by preheating your oven to 350°F. A warm embrace. Waiting for our mini meatloaves. In a large bowl. Bring together the ground beef. And pork, onion, egg, breadcrumbs. And a dash of love. In the form of salt and pepper. Pour in the milk slowly. As if nurturing the mixture. And use your hands to blend these treasures. Into a unified, loving mix.

Step 2: With care. Shape this mixture into 8 little loaves. Each holding a piece of our heart. Arrange them on a baking sheet. As if tucking them into bed. Now, for the magic touch. Wrap each one with the bacon halves in a criss-cross fashion. Like a cozy blanket. Tucking the ends underneath. To hold them tight.

Step 3: Bake our little bundles for 50 minutes. Letting them soak up the heat. And flavors. If you’re like me. And crave that extra crispiness. Give them a quick broil for 3-5 minutes. Watching them closely. As if they were the stars of your culinary show.

Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf


For an extra touch of flavor. And juiciness. Consider soaking your panko breadcrumbs in the milk. Before mixing them with the meat. This little trick. Ensures the breadcrumbs are fully hydrated. Allowing them to blend more seamlessly. Into the meatloaf mixture. The result? A meatloaf that’s incredibly moist. Tender, and evenly textured throughout. This step acts like a little secret. Between you and the dish. A simple move. That elevates the whole experience. From good to unforgettable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use all beef or all pork for this recipe?

While the mix of pork and beef. Brings a balanced flavor. Feel free to use what you have on hand or prefer. Just remember. All pork might make it a bit richer. And all beef. A tad leaner.

What can I serve with these mini meatloaves?

They pair wonderfully. With a variety of sides. Think mashed potatoes for comfort. A crisp green salad for freshness. Or roasted vegetables for a touch of earthiness. The choice is yours!

How can I make this recipe gluten-free?

Swap the panko breadcrumbs. For your favorite gluten-free alternative. Just keep an eye on the mixture’s consistency. And adjust the milk accordingly.

Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

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Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Picture tucking into a Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf. Where each bite is a symphony of flavors. The juiciness of lean ground beef. And pork. Melding with the subtle crunch of panko. All lovingly encased. In a crispy bacon hug. This recipe is more than food. It's a story of comfort. Creativity, and gatherings. That leave hearts warm. And bellies satisfied. It's a reminder. Of how simple ingredients. When combined with love. And a dash of innovation. Can transform the ordinary. Into something extraordinary. Whether it's a quiet dinner at home. Or a lively gathering with loved ones. These mini delights. Promise to be the centerpiece of conversation and joy.


  • 3/4 lb lean ground beef
  • 3/4 lb lean ground pork
  • 1 medium onion diced
  • 1 egg
  • 1 c panko bread crumbs
  • 1 c milk
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 8 slices bacon


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a big bowl. Combine the ground beef, ground pork, diced onion, egg, panko breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, and milk. Mix well with your hands.
  3. Shape the mixture into 8 small loaves. And place them on a baking sheet.
  4. Cut the bacon slices in half. And arrange two halves. In a cross over each meatloaf. Tucking the ends underneath.
  5. Bake for 50 minutes. For extra crispy bacon. Broil for 3-5 minutes at the end. Keeping an eye on it. To avoid burning.
  6. Relish your delicious Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaves!


To transform this delightful Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf. Into a gluten-free treasure. Swap the panko breadcrumbs. For your favorite gluten-free variety. This simple substitution. Lets you keep all the joy. And flavor of the original recipe. While making it accessible. To those on a gluten-free journey. Embrace the change. And watch as this dish becomes a cherished favorite at your table. Bringing smiles. Without compromise. Remember, the essence of great cooking. Is adaptability. And inclusiveness. Enjoy crafting this gluten-free version. With the same love and enthusiasm as the classic.

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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