Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies


Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies

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Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies – Looking for a sweet yet healthy treat? These Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies. Are a delightful option. Packed with the goodness of blueberries. And a hint of white chocolate. With frozen blueberries, vegan butter, and a touch of lemon. They’re a perfect balance of fruity freshness. And indulgent sweetness. Plus, these cookies are ready in no time. Making them an easy. And quick dessert.

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The first time I made these cookies. I was looking for a healthier alternative. For a weekend treat. My husband. Who isn’t normally into sweets. Immediately fell in love. With their light, refreshing flavor. And when my little one. Saw the colorful blueberries. Peeking through the dough. There was no turning back. Now, this recipe. Is a family favorite. For any occasion. From quick desserts. To lunchbox surprises!

What makes this Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies truly stand out?

What makes these cookies stand out? Is the use of frozen blueberries. Giving them a burst of natural sweetness. Without needing extra sugar. The combination of vegan butter. And white chocolate chips. Keeps them indulgent. But lighter than your average cookie. Plus, they’re perfect. For a quick bake—prep. And baking. Take just around 20 minutes. Not to mention. They’re vegan-friendly. And great for anyone. Looking to make healthier dessert choices.

Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies

What You Need To Make This Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies Recipe?

All-Purpose Flour: The foundation for our cookies. Giving them the perfect structure. You can substitute. With whole wheat flour. If you prefer more fiber.

Frozen Blueberries: These beauties add a natural sweetness. And a pop of color. To every bite. Using frozen ensures their juiciness. Holds up well while baking.

Vegan Butter: Softened vegan butter. Gives these cookies. That irresistible texture. While keeping them plant-based.

Lemon Juice: A splash of lemon. Balances the sweetness. And enhances the blueberries’ natural tartness.

White Chocolate Chips: These provide just the right amount of sweetness. And creaminess that complements. The fruity blueberries.

Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies

Steps To Make Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies:

Step 1: Start by thawing. Your frozen blueberries. Simply pop them. In a small microwave-safe bowl. And heat for about 60-90 seconds. Until fully thawed. Let them cool. While you prepare the dough.

Step 2: In a separate bowl. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. This ensures your dry ingredients. Are well mixed. And creates a lighter texture.

Step 3: In a larger bowl. Cream together the softened vegan butter. And sugar. Until it’s light, fluffy, and smooth. Add the thawed blueberries. And gently mix. The blueberries should break up slightly. Adding a beautiful purple hue. To your dough.

Step 4: Slowly incorporate the dry ingredients. Into the butter mixture. Making sure to combine them well. Finally, fold in the white chocolate chips. For that extra indulgence.

Step 5: Cover the dough. And refrigerate. For at least 30 minutes. To firm it up. And ensure the cookies. Hold their shape while baking.

Step 6: Preheat your oven to 400°F. And line a baking sheet. With parchment paper. Roll or scoop the chilled dough. Into even-sized cookies. Spacing them out. On the baking sheet.

Step 7: Bake the cookies. For 10-12 minutes. Or until the edges. Start to turn a light golden brown. Be sure not to overbake them—you’re aiming for soft centers. And crisp edges.

Step 8: Let them cool slightly. Before indulging. In the perfect mix of fruity and sweet. In every bite!

Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies


For an extra burst of flavor. Don’t skip chilling the dough. This step ensures the cookies. Won’t spread too much while baking. Giving them that perfect chewy texture. With slightly crisp edges. Additionally, if you love a deeper lemon flavor. Add a little extra lemon zest. To the dough—it’ll pair perfectly. With the white chocolate. And blueberries. To make them even more indulgent. Drizzle a little melted white chocolate. Over the cooled cookies!

Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use fresh blueberries instead of frozen?

Absolutely! If you use fresh blueberries. The flavor will be just as delicious. But your dough may be a little softer. Be sure to refrigerate the dough. To maintain shape during baking.

Can I make these gluten-free?

Simply swap out the all-purpose flour. With a gluten-free 1:1 baking flour. And you’ll still get those chewy, delicious results!

How should I store the cookies?

These cookies are stored beautifully. In an airtight container. At room temperature for up to 3 days. Or you can refrigerate them. For up to a week.

Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies

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Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies

Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
These Healthy Frozen Blueberry Cookies. Are a treat. That brings together the natural sweetness of blueberries. With the creamy richness of white chocolate chips. Made with vegan butter. And just the right hint of lemon. They’re not only quick to whip up. But also the perfect balance of indulgence. And lightness. Ideal for summer days. Or anytime you want a fruity, delightful dessert. These cookies are bound. To become a family favorite!


  • 2 c all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 c unsalted vegan butter softened
  • 2/3 c granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2/3 c frozen blueberries
  • 1 c white chocolate chips


  1. Thaw the Blueberries: Place the frozen blueberries. In a microwave-safe bowl. And heat them. For about 60-90 seconds. Until fully thawed. Set them aside to cool. While you prepare the dough.
  2. Mix the Dry Ingredients: In a small bowl. Sift together the flour. Baking powder, and salt. This helps ensure. The dry ingredients are evenly combined. And lump-free.
  3. Cream Butter and Sugar: In a large mixing bowl. Cream the softened vegan butter. And sugar together. Until light. And fluffy. This should take. A few minutes of mixing. Once combined. Stir in the lemon juice.
  4. Add the Blueberries: Gently fold the thawed blueberries. Into the butter mixture. Mashing them slightly. As you stir. This will distribute their flavor. And color. Throughout the dough.
  5. Combine Wet. And Dry Ingredients: Gradually add. The dry ingredients. Into the wet mixture. Stirring until just combined. Avoid overmixing. To maintain a tender cookie texture.
  6. Stir in the White Chocolate Chips: Fold in. The white chocolate chips. Ensuring they're evenly distributed. Throughout the dough.
  7. Chill the Dough: Cover the dough. And refrigerate it. For at least 30 minutes. Chilling helps firm the dough. Preventing the cookies. From spreading too much. During baking.
  8. Preheat the Oven: While the dough is chilling. Preheat your oven. To 400°F. Line a baking sheet. With parchment paper. To prevent the cookies. From sticking.
  9. Shape the Cookies: Once chilled. Scoop or roll the dough. Into even balls. And space them out. On the prepared baking sheet.
  10. Bake: Bake for 10-12 minutes. Or until the edges. Are just starting. To turn golden brown. Keep an eye on them. To avoid overbaking. As you want the cookies. To remain soft and chewy. In the center.
  11. Cool and Serve: Allow the cookies. To cool slightly. On the baking sheet. Before transferring them. To a wire rack. Enjoy warm. Or at room temperature!


To make this recipe gluten-free. Simply swap the all-purpose flour. With a high-quality gluten-free baking blend. That measures 1:1. This way, you still get that classic cookie texture. Without the gluten. Make sure your baking powder is gluten-free too. And you’re good to go! The result is still soft, and chewy. And bursting with blueberry goodness. Just with a gluten-free twist. It's a perfect option. For those with dietary restrictions. Without sacrificing flavor!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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