Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls


Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls

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Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls – Looking for a quick. And an irresistible appetizer? Try these Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls! A creamy blend of cream cheese, fresh lump crab meat, and spices. Wrapped in crispy egg roll wrappers. Whether you deep fry. Or air fry. These golden delights. Are guaranteed to be a hit.

The first time I made these crab rangoon egg rolls. I wasn’t sure how my husband. And kids would react. Traditional crab rangoons are a family favorite. But I decided to give them a twist. With the crunchy egg roll wrapper. As soon as the golden rolls. Came out of the oil. My family couldn’t resist! We devoured them. And now it’s a staple. For family get-togethers. And even weeknight dinners.

What makes this Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls truly special?

What sets this recipe apart? Is the balance between the creamy crab filling. And the crispy egg roll shell. It’s a fusion of two beloved appetizers in one. You can choose to deep fry. For that authentic crunch. Or air fry for a lighter option. And either way. You’ll get a delightful crispy texture. Paired with the rich, savory filling. Plus, it’s easy to make. And perfect for parties. Or even as a snack!

Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls

What You Need To Make This Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls Recipe?

Cream Cheese: The softened cream cheese. Helps create that creamy base. We all love in a rangoon. Don’t skip the softening step; it makes mixing a breeze!

Worcestershire Sauce: Adds a subtle umami flavor. That deepens the overall taste of the filling.

Lump Crab Meat: Fresh lump crab is ideal. But if you’re in a pinch. Canned or imitation crab can work. Just make sure. To drain it well.

Egg Roll Wrappers: These give you the perfect crispy exterior. Make sure to seal them tightly. To prevent leaks while frying.

Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls

Steps To Make Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls:

Step 1: Start by blending the softened cream cheese, Worcestershire sauce. Garlic powder, onion powder, and scallions. In a food processor. Until smooth. And creamy. Next, fold in the finely diced lump crab meat. Ensuring everything. Is evenly combined.

Step 2: Lay out an egg roll wrapper. With a corner pointing toward you. And spoon about 2-3 tablespoons of the creamy crab mixture. Onto the bottom half. Wet the edges of the wrapper. With water. And then carefully. Fold the bottom corner up. And over the filling. Tuck in the sides. And roll the wrapper tightly. To ensure nothing spills out. During frying.

Step 3: Heat oil to 365°F. In a large pot. Then fry the egg rolls. In small batches. For about 2-3 minutes. Until they’re golden. And crispy. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate. To cool slightly.

Step 4: If you prefer a lighter option. Air fry! Simply brush each egg roll with oil. And air fry. At 390°F. For 7-8 minutes. Flipping halfway through. Once golden and crispy. Let them cool before serving. With your favorite dip.


For an extra crunchy texture. Try double-frying these egg rolls! Fry them initially. Until they are just golden. Remove them from the oil. And let them cool. Then, fry them again. For about a minute. Until they’re extra crisp. This double frying method. Ensures a super crunchy exterior. Pair these with sweet chili sauce. Or even a spicy Sriracha mayo. For a burst of flavor. Also, make sure not to overcrowd your fryer. So the oil stays hot. And the rolls crisp up perfectly.

Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I freeze these egg rolls?

Yes! You can freeze the uncooked egg rolls. And then fry or air fry them. Straight from the freezer. Just add a few extra minutes. To the cooking time.

Can I use imitation crab?

Absolutely. While fresh crab is preferred. For the best flavor. Imitation crab or canned crab. Will still give a great result.

How do I prevent my egg rolls from becoming soggy?

Be sure to seal them tightly. And avoid overfilling. Draining them on a paper towel after frying. Will also help keep them crisp.

Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls

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Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls

Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
These Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls. Are the ultimate appetizer! With a creamy filling. Made from a blend of softened cream cheese, flavorful crab meat, and seasonings. Wrapped in crunchy egg roll wrappers. These rolls are fried to perfection. Whether you go for the deep-fried version. Or the air-fried option. These egg rolls deliver on flavor. And texture. Perfect for parties, and snacks. Or even a special family dinner. They're easy to make. And guaranteed to impress everyone. At the table.


  • Two 8-ounce packages of softened cream cheese
  • One tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • One teaspoon garlic powder
  • Half a teaspoon onion powder
  • Three large scallions thinly sliced
  • Eight ounces of fresh lump crab meat finely diced
  • Ten egg roll wrappers


  1. In a food processor. Blend together the softened cream cheese, and Worcestershire sauce. Garlic powder, onion powder, and scallions. Until well-mixed.
  2. Transfer the mixture. To a medium-sized bowl. And gently fold in. The finely diced crab meat.
  3. Place 2-3 tablespoons of the filling. Onto the bottom half. Of an egg roll wrapper. With one corner facing you. Lightly brush water. Around the edges of the wrapper.
  4. Start rolling the wrapper. From the bottom. Folding in the sides halfway through. And continue rolling tightly. Until sealed.
  5. Heat oil in a large deep pot. To 365°F. Fry the egg rolls in batches. For 2-3 minutes. Until they turn golden brown. And crispy. Drain them. On a paper towel-lined plate. And allow them. To cool slightly before serving.

For the Air Fryer:

  1. Preheat the air fryer. To 390°F. For about 5 minutes. Brush the egg rolls with oil. On all sides. Arrange them in a single layer. In the air fryer basket. And cook for 7-8 minutes. Until crispy.


To make these Crispy Crab Rangoon Egg Rolls gluten-free. Simply substitute the traditional egg roll wrappers. With gluten-free alternatives. Which can be found. In specialty stores or online. Ensure the Worcestershire sauce. And any other ingredients are labeled gluten-free. To avoid any hidden gluten sources. You'll get all the same crunchy, creamy goodness. In every bite. Without the gluten!

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