Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites


Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites

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Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites – Looking for a sweet treat. That’s both chewy and rich? These Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites are the perfect combination of brown sugar and toasted coconut. And a hint of vanilla. This simple dessert. Will quickly become a family favorite. With its delightful chewiness. And tropical coconut flavor. Easy to make. And even easier to eat. It’s perfect for any occasion!

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The first time I made these chewy coconut dessert bites. I didn’t know how my husband and child would react. Since they aren’t huge fans of coconut. But when the warm, caramelized aroma filled the kitchen. They were immediately intrigued! Once they tried the first bite. I knew I had a hit. Now, this recipe is on repeat. Whenever we crave. Something sweet, comforting. And full of coconut flavor.

What makes this Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites truly special?

These Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites. Offer a rich, buttery flavor. Enhanced by the golden sweetness of brown sugar. And a light, chewy texture. Thanks to the shredded coconut. Not only are they incredibly easy to whip up. With pantry staples. But the browned butter. Adds a deep, nutty flavor. That elevates this treat. Into something truly special. Plus, they require just 15 minutes of prep!

Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites

What You Need To Make This Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites Recipe?

Butter: Browning the butter. Adds a rich, nutty depth. To the dessert. Making these bites irresistible. It’s the secret weapon here—don’t skip this step!

Brown Sugar: Packed with molasses. Brown sugar gives these bars a caramel-like flavor. That complements the coconut so well.

Shredded Coconut: This is the star ingredient! It gives the bars a chewy texture. And adds that tropical sweetness. That makes them unique.

Eggs: Eggs help bind everything together. While adding richness and moisture. To the dessert.

Flour: The base of the recipe. That gives these bars their structure. And soft bite.

Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites

Steps To Make Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites:

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350°F. And give an 8×8-inch baking dish. A good greasing. You don’t want all. That buttery goodness to stick!

Step 2: Brown the butter. In a large saucepan. Over medium heat. As it starts to bubble. Swirl the pan often. To keep things moving. The butter will transform. Into a gorgeous amber color. Which means it’s full of nutty flavor. As soon as you see that golden hue. Take it off the heat. So it doesn’t burn.

Step 3: Mix in the brown sugar. While the butter. Is still warm. Stir until they melt. Into one beautiful, gooey mixture. Now, whisk in the eggs. And vanilla. For that silky texture.

Step 4: In a separate bowl. Whisk together your flour. With baking powder, and salt. Slowly fold this dry mix. Into the wet ingredients. Stirring until everything’s well combined.

Step 5: Now for the coconut! Gently fold in. The shredded sweetened coconut—this is where the magic happens. Adding that chewy, tropical twist.

Step 6: Pour the batter. Into your prepared dish. Smoothing out the top. Pop it in the oven. For 40-45 minutes. And if the edges. Start browning too quickly. Cover the dish. With foil. For the last 10 minutes. Let it cool completely before cutting. So you get perfect, chewy squares!

Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites


When browning butter. It’s all about timing and attention. Keep the heat at medium. And swirl the pan every minute. Or so to ensure the milk solids don’t burn. Once the butter starts foaming. And you notice a nutty aroma. You’re almost there! Watch for the color change. From golden to amber. Immediately remove it from the heat. To prevent burning. As it can happen fast. This browned butter adds a unique, nutty undertone. To your dessert bites. That really sets them apart. From the usual coconut bars!

Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use unsweetened coconut instead of sweetened?

Yes, you can! However, the bars may be a bit less sweet. So you might want to slightly increase the sugar. Or enjoy a more subtle sweetness.

How should I store these bars?

Store them in an airtight container. At room temperature. For up to 5 days. If you want to keep them longer. They freeze beautifully!

Can I add chocolate chips to the batter?

Absolutely! Adding about ½ cup of chocolate chips. Can bring another layer of sweetness. And decadence. To the dessert bites.

Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites

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Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites

Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
These Chewy Coconut Dessert Bites. Are the ultimate treat. For coconut lovers! They combine the deep, nutty flavor of browned butter. With the chewy sweetness of shredded coconut. The molasses in the brown sugar. Adds a caramel-like richness. That pairs perfectly with the tropical notes. With every bite. You get a soft, chewy texture. And just the right amount of sweetness. Whether you enjoy them warm. From the oven. Or chilled. These bars are guaranteed. To disappear fast!


  • ½ c unsalted butter
  • 2 c packed brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ c all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 ½ c sweetened shredded coconut


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). And lightly grease. An 8x8-inch baking pan. To ensure easy removal of your dessert later.
  2. In a medium saucepan. Over medium heat. Melt the butter. Keep a close eye on it. And swirl the pan regularly. To avoid burning. Once the butter. Takes on a beautiful amber hue. And releases a nutty aroma. Remove it from the heat.
  3. Stir the brown sugar. Into the browned butter. Mixing thoroughly until the sugar. Is fully dissolved. Add in the eggs and vanilla. Stirring until everything is smooth. And well combined.
  4. In a separate bowl. Whisk together the flour. With baking powder, and salt. Gradually add the dry ingredients. To the wet mixture. Stirring gently. Until just combined.
  5. Fold in the shredded coconut. To incorporate that delicious texture. Pour the batter. Into your prepared baking dish. Spreading it evenly.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven. For 40-45 minutes. If the top. Starts to brown too quickly. Cover it with foil. For the final 10 minutes. Let the bars cool completely before slicing. And serving. For the best texture.


Want to make this recipe gluten-free? Simply swap out the all-purpose flour. For a gluten-free flour blend. Make sure the blend you choose contains xanthan gum. Which helps bind the ingredients. And keeps the dessert’s chewy texture intact. The rest of the ingredients. Including the coconut and brown sugar. Are naturally gluten-free. So no need to make too many adjustments. You’ll still get the same chewy, delicious bites. Without the gluten!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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