Loaded Texas Trash Pie


Loaded Texas Trash Pie

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Loaded Texas Trash Pie – If you’ve been searching for the ultimate dessert that’s indulgent, easy to make, and packed with flavor, look no further than this Loaded Texas Trash Pie. This pie combines sweet and salty ingredients like chocolate chips, crushed pretzels, graham crackers, shredded coconut, pecans, and caramel bits, all held together with melted butter and sweetened condensed milk. It’s a delightful mix of flavors and textures that’ll have everyone going back for seconds.

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The first time I made this Loaded Texas Trash Pie, it was one of those “throw everything in and hope for the best” moments, and oh boy, did it deliver! I remember how my husband raised an eyebrow at the name, but after one bite, he was all in. My kid? Let’s just say they were literally licking the plate clean (no shame). The sweet, salty, crunchy combo is pure magic, and now it’s one of those desserts I’m always asked to bring to family gatherings. Honestly, I should probably start making two at a time!

What makes this Loaded Texas Trash Pie truly special?

Why is this pie so good? Let’s break it down. It’s got all the textures—crunchy pretzels and graham crackers, gooey caramel, and chewy coconut. The sweet and salty combo hits just right. Plus, it’s ridiculously easy to make. You just toss everything together, bake it, and boom—you’ve got a dessert that looks like you spent way more time on it than you actually did. Honestly, the hardest part? Waiting for it to cool before digging in. Does it get any better than that?

Loaded Texas Trash Pie

What You Need To Make This Loaded Texas Trash Pie Recipe?

Piecrust: You’ve got two easy options here—frozen or a store-bought deep-dish crust. Either works like a charm, and hey, no judgment if you grab the pre-made stuff. Who has time to make piecrust from scratch every time? Frozen ones are a lifesaver when you just want to get that pie in the oven, ASAP.

Chocolate Chips: I’m all about using semi-sweet or dark chocolate here. It balances out the sweetness of everything else. But if you’re a milk chocolate fan, go for it! You can even mix and match chocolates if you want to get fancy. Who’s gonna stop you?

Pretzels: These crushed little guys are the secret to that salty crunch in every bite. I like to leave some bigger chunks in there for extra texture. And if you’re out of pretzels? Don’t worry—you can toss in potato chips, too. The whole point is to keep it fun and crunchy!

Graham Crackers: They bring that classic, buttery crunch we all love. Crush them up into smaller pieces, but don’t stress about making them perfect. A little texture variation keeps things interesting.

Shredded Coconut: This adds a bit of chewiness and a subtle sweet flavor that rounds out all the other elements. Not a coconut fan? No problem—just leave it out, and the pie will still be delicious.

Pecan Pieces: These add a rich, nutty crunch that takes the pie to the next level. Toast them if you have a few extra minutes for that deep, roasted flavor, but they’re totally fine straight out of the bag, too.

Caramel Bits: Oh man, these are the gooey magic in this pie. If you can’t find the caramel bits, just chop up some soft caramels. They melt into this sticky, sweet goodness that ties everything together.

Unsalted Butter: Melted butter is the glue that binds everything. It makes sure all those delicious ingredients stick together and gives the pie a rich, buttery flavor. If you only have salted butter, it’s totally fine—just skip any extra salt in the recipe.

Sweetened Condensed Milk: This is what makes the whole pie gooey and dreamy. It’s sweet, creamy, and holds all the ingredients together in one glorious, sticky filling. Don’t swap this for evaporated milk—it’s not the same thing, and trust me, you want the sweetness here!

Loaded Texas Trash Pie

Steps To Make Loaded Texas Trash Pie:

First, preheat your oven to 350°F. Grab your frozen piecrust (or deep-dish piecrust) and set it aside. No need to thaw, we’re keeping things simple!

Now, let’s get the crunch going. Melt your butter in a microwave-safe bowl until it’s fully melted. Meanwhile, crush your pretzels and graham crackers into small pieces—don’t worry about getting them perfectly uniform. A few bigger chunks here and there just add to the texture.

In a big mixing bowl, throw in all your filling ingredients: chocolate chips, crushed pretzels, graham crackers, shredded coconut, pecans, caramel bits, melted butter, and sweetened condensed milk. Stir everything together until it’s fully combined. It’ll look a little messy, but trust me, that’s exactly what you want.

Pour the whole glorious mixture into your piecrust. Spread it out evenly so all the good stuff is in every bite.

Pop it in the oven and bake for about 35 minutes. You’re looking for the top to get a nice golden brown and for the filling to set. It might jiggle a bit in the middle when you take it out, but it’ll firm up as it cools.

Here’s the hard part—let the pie cool for at least 30 minutes before cutting into it. I know, I know, it’s tempting to dive right in, but letting it cool helps everything set up perfectly. Trust me, it’s worth the wait!


Want to take this Loaded Texas Trash Pie to the next level? Try toasting the pecans and coconut before mixing them in. Just a quick 5-7 minutes in a dry skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, will give them a deeper, roasted flavor that adds a whole new layer of richness to the pie. Another trick? If you like a gooier center, slightly underbake it. The pie will still set as it cools, but you’ll get a super decadent, almost caramel-like texture in the middle. And don’t forget, if you don’t have caramel bits, just chop up some soft caramels—they’ll melt just as beautifully and taste amazing.

Loaded Texas Trash Pie

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a homemade pie crust?

Absolutely! If you’re up for making your own pie crust, go for it. Just make sure to blind-bake it (bake it without the filling) for a few minutes so it doesn’t get soggy when you pour the filling in. But honestly, a store-bought frozen crust works like a charm if you want to keep things easy.

What can I substitute if I don’t like coconut?

No worries if coconut isn’t your thing! You can simply leave it out, or replace it with something like chopped walnuts or even more pecans. The pie will still be delicious, just with a different texture and flavor. It’s all about making it your own!

How should I store this pie?

If you’ve got leftovers (though I doubt you will!), just cover the pie tightly with plastic wrap or foil and store it in the fridge. It’ll keep for a few days. You can serve it cold straight from the fridge, or warm up slices in the microwave for a few seconds if you prefer it a little gooey again.

Loaded Texas Trash Pie

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Loaded Texas Trash Pie

Loaded Texas Trash Pie

Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
This Loaded Texas Trash Pie is a wild mash-up of all the best sweet and salty flavors. Just imagine: gooey caramel bits, chocolate chips, crunchy pretzels, graham crackers, coconut, and pecans, all mixed together with melted butter and sweetened condensed milk. Then you bake it until it’s golden and deliciously chewy, with just the right amount of crunch in every bite. Whether you’re making this for a party or just to crush a serious dessert craving, it’ll disappear in no time. Trust me, after one bite, you won’t be able to stop!


  • 1 10-inch frozen pie crust or 1 (9-inch) deep-dish pie crust
  • 1 c chocolate chips
  • 1 c crushed pretzels
  • 1 c crushed graham crackers
  • 1 c shredded coconut
  • 1 c pecan pieces
  • 1 c caramel bits
  • 8 tablespoons unsalted butter melted
  • 1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk


Get the oven going:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F and grab that pie crust out of the freezer. Let it hang out while we get the filling ready.

Crush the pretzels and crackers:

  1. Melt your butter in the microwave until it’s nice and smooth. While that’s happening, crush up your pretzels and graham crackers—no need to be precise. A mix of big and small chunks makes for great texture!

Mix up the filling:

  1. Now, toss everything into a big bowl: the chocolate chips, crushed pretzels, graham crackers, shredded coconut, pecans, caramel bits, melted butter, and sweetened condensed milk. Give it a good stir so that all those ingredients are coated and combined into one delicious mess.

Bake it up:

  1. Pour the filling into your pie crust, spreading it out evenly. Pop it in the oven for about 35 minutes, or until the top turns golden brown and the filling is set. Once it’s done, let it cool for a good 30 minutes. I know it’s tough to wait, but cutting into it too soon might get a little messy!


Want to make this recipe gluten-free? It’s super easy! Just swap out the regular pretzels and graham crackers for gluten-free versions. These days, you can find gluten-free pretzels and graham crackers at almost any grocery store, so it’s a simple switch that doesn’t change the flavor or texture. Everything else in this pie is naturally gluten-free—chocolate, coconut, pecans, caramel, and butter are all safe. So go ahead and enjoy this indulgent dessert, even if you’re cutting out the gluten!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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