Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices


Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices

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Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices – There’s something irresistibly comforting. About the blend of apples, sugar, and pastry. Our Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices. Marry these elements. In a symphony of flavors. Picture this. Tender, flaky layers of homemade pie dough. Enveloping a sweet, spiced apple filling. All topped off with a vanilla-kissed glaze. That sets to a soft, sugary crust. This recipe. With its simple. Yet delightful combination. Of all-purpose flour, butter, and apple pie filling. Promises to warm your kitchen. And your heart.

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The first time I made these pastry slices. It was a chilly afternoon. That called for something sweet. And warming. The aroma of baking apples. And buttery pastry. Filled our home. Drawing my husband. And child into the kitchen. Like bees to honey. Watching their faces light up. At first bite. I knew I had stumbled upon a family favorite. This recipe has since become our go-to. For cozy weekend treats. And has never failed to impress guests. With its comforting warmth. And sweetness.

What makes this Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices truly special?

What sets our Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices apart. Is the heartfelt homemade essence. That infuses every layer. From the tender, flaky pie dough. To the sweetly spiced apple filling. And the smooth, vanilla-kissed glaze. This recipe is not just about creating a delightful dessert. It’s about crafting memories. In the kitchen. Perfectly versatile. These pastry slices. Are as suitable for a decadent breakfast. As they are for an after-dinner treat. And their easy-to-serve square shape. Makes them ideal. For any occasion. Whether it’s a family gathering. Or a simple, cozy weekend treat.

Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices

What You Need To Make This Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices Recipe?

Flour: This is our base. The start of our pastry adventure. It’s what gives our slices. Their shape. And texture.

Sugar: A tale of two sugars. Granulated sugar. Adds just the right touch of sweetness to the dough. While powdered sugar. Creates a smooth, sweet glaze. That tops off our pastry perfectly.

Salt: Just a pinch. Brings all the flavors to life. Balancing the sweet. With a subtle hint of savory.

Butter: The hero. That makes our pastry flaky. And rich. Cold butter ensures our slices. Have that delightful, airy texture.

Ice Water: It’s the secret trick. To bind our dough just right. Keeping it tender. And ready to roll.

Apple Pie Filling: The heart of our pastry. Bursting with sweet apples. And cozy spices. It’s what makes these slices truly special.

Vanilla: A dash in our glaze adds a warm, comforting flavor. That complements the apples beautifully.

Milk: Smooths out our glaze to the perfect consistency. Making it irresistible.

Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices

Steps To Make Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices:

Step 1: Begin with the pie dough. By whisking flour, sugar, and salt in a generous bowl. Embrace the cold. By grating chilled butter. Directly into the mix. Letting each shard of butter. Introduce pockets of flakiness. Into your dough. If the butter protests by softening. Give it a chill. Until it’s ready to play again. Introduce ice water into the center. Stirring with passion. But also with speed. To form a dough that’s just right. Cohesive yet not sticky. With butter visibly marbling its surface.

Step 2: Divide this promise of flaky delight in half. Shaping each into a disciplined rectangle. Before wrapping and chilling them. Dreaming of their baked future.

Step 3: Roll one hero of dough to fit its stage. A 9×13-inch jelly roll pan. Before it’s adorned with a generous layer of apple pie filling. The essence of autumn. Captured in every spoonful.

Step 4: The second sheet of dough. Then takes its place atop. Creating a pastry enclosure. That’s pinched at the edges. A little rustic. But entirely ready for the oven’s embrace.

Step 5: Once golden and fragrant. Allow the pastry to cool before crowning it with a glaze. That whispers of vanilla and comfort. Setting the stage. For a slice of pure joy.

Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices


For an even more memorable Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slice. Consider lightly toasting the apple pie filling. Before spreading it onto the dough. This can be done. By simmering the filling in a saucepan. Over medium heat. For about 5 minutes. Stirring occasionally. This extra step. Caramelizes the sugars in the apples. Deepening the flavors. And adding a delightful complexity to the filling. The warmth of the filling. Also helps to partially cook the bottom layer of dough. Ensuring no soggy bottoms. And creating a beautiful balance. Between the flaky pastry. And the rich, concentrated apple filling. This little trick. Elevates the whole dish. Making your pastry slices. Not just homemade. But gourmet.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use store-bought pie dough?

Absolutely! While homemade dough. Brings a special touch. Store-bought dough. Can be a great time-saver. And still deliver delicious results.

How do I store leftovers?

Keep any leftovers. In an airtight container. At room temperature. For up to 2 days. Or refrigerate to extend their life up to 5 days.

Can I freeze these pastry slices?

Yes. You can freeze them. Before adding the glaze. Wrap them well. And freeze for up to 2 months. Thaw at room temperature. And glaze before serving. For a fresh taste.

Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices

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Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices

Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Dive into the heartwarming embrace. Of Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices. Where every bite. Is a testament to the joy. Of homemade baking. This recipe weaves together flaky, butter-laden layers. With a rich, cinnamon-spiced apple heart. All crowned with a whisper-light vanilla glaze. That glistens under the light. It's a dance of textures. And flavors. A celebration of simplicity. And warmth. Crafting these slices. Is not just about following steps. It's about pouring a little piece of your heart. Into the dough. Infusing each layer with love. And sharing the sweet, comforting hug of home. With every slice served.



  • 4 c all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/4 c unsalted butter chilled (2 1/2 sticks)
  • 1/2 c ice water plus more as needed


  • 4 c apple pie filling canned is fine


  • 1 c powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter softened
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tbsp whole milk


Make the Dough:

  1. Mix 4 c flour, 1 tbsp sugar, and 1 tsp salt in a bowl.
  2. Grate 1 1/4 c cold butter into the mix, and stir occasionally.
  3. Add 1/2 c ice water; stir. Add more water if needed, until the dough comes together but isnโ€™t sticky.
  4. Split the dough in half, shape each into a rectangle, wrap, and chill for 30 minutes.

Prepare the Oven and Pan:

  1. Heat your oven to 400ยฐF.
  2. Get a 9x13-inch pan ready.

Assemble the Pastry:

  1. Roll one dough half to fit the pan. Lay it in the pan.
  2. Spread 4 c apple pie filling on top.
  3. Roll the other dough half, place it over the filling, and pinch the edges.
  4. Cut vents in the top layer.


  1. Bake for about 40 minutes until golden. Let it cool on a rack.

Make the Glaze and Finish:

  1. Beat 1 c powdered sugar, 2 tbsp softened butter, 1 tsp vanilla, and 2 tbsp milk until smooth.
  2. Spread the glaze over the cooled pastry.
  3. Let the glaze set, then slice and serve.
  4. Enjoy your Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices!


For a delightful gluten-free version of our Sweet Apple Glazed Pastry Slices. Simply replace the all-purpose flour. With a 1:1 gluten-free flour blend. That includes xanthan gum. To ensure your pastry holds together beautifully. Gluten-free dough. May require a bit more care. Especially when rolling. So if it becomes difficult to handle. A quick chill in the fridge. Can make it more manageable. This easy swap. Invites everyone. To enjoy this flaky, apple-filled treat. Without compromise. Making your kitchen. A welcoming space. For all dessert lovers.

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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