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Homemade PayDay Candy Bars

  • Author: Natasha
  • Total Time: 13
  • Yield: 16 1x


Savor the perfect blend of salty-sweet flavors with Homemade PayDay Candy Bars. Main ingredients: salted peanuts, peanut butter chips, mini marshmallows, sweetened condensed milk, and butter. Quick & irresistible!



3 cups of salted peanuts

3 tablespoons of unsalted butter

2 cups of peanut butter chips

2 cups of miniature marshmallows

1 can of sweetened condensed milk


  1. Preparation of Base Layer: Begin by evenly distributing half of the salted peanuts into a greased baking dish measuring 11×7 inches, ensuring the peanuts cover the entire bottom surface.
  2. Melting and Combining Ingredients: In a separate, small saucepan, gently melt the butter and peanut butter chips over low heat, stirring continuously until the mixture is thoroughly combined. Following this, incorporate the sweetened condensed milk and miniature marshmallows into the mixture, continuing to stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed and smooth.
  3. Assembling the Candy Bars: Carefully pour the melted mixture over the layer of peanuts in the prepared baking dish, spreading it evenly to cover the peanuts.
  4. Adding the Final Layer: Sprinkle the remaining peanuts over the top of the melted mixture, ensuring an even distribution for a consistent final texture.
  5. Cooling and Setting: Allow the assembled candy bars to cool to room temperature. For a firmer texture, the dish may be refrigerated. Once set, the candy bars are ready to be sliced and served.
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 8 minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 216
  • Sugar: 6 g
  • Sodium: 22.5 mg
  • Fat: 16.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 13.1 g
  • Protein: 7.6 g
  • Cholesterol: 6.6 mg

Keywords: Homemade PayDay Candy Bars