Fruity Shirley Temple Bars


Fruity Shirley Temple Bars

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Fruity Shirley Temple Bars – If you’re looking for a sweet. And fruity twist. On your favorite childhood drink. These Fruity Shirley Temple Bars. Are exactly what you need. With maraschino cherries. A hint of lime. And a Grenadine-infused cream cheese frosting. This recipe is a fun. And delicious throwback. To those iconic flavors. Whether you’re making these for a family treat. Or a special occasion. These bars are a sure hit!

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The first time I made these Shirley Temple Bars. I was inspired. By one of my favorite drinks. From childhood. I thought. Why not turn that nostalgic sweetness? Into a dessert? When I baked these for my family. My husband took one bite. And immediately asked for seconds. Even my picky little one. Couldn’t resist the fun cherry-studded bars. With their soft, creamy frosting. It quickly became a family favorite. Especially for weekend movie nights!

What makes this Fruity Shirley Temple Bars truly special?

These bars bring the nostalgic flavor of a Shirley Temple drink. Into a delightful dessert form. The maraschino cherries provide bursts of fruity sweetness. While the lime zest. Adds a refreshing zing. The real showstopper. Is the Grenadine-spiked frosting. Which takes these bars. From good to amazing. Plus, they’re easy to whip up. In under 30 minutes. And are perfect for sharing at parties. Or family gatherings!

Fruity Shirley Temple Bars

What You Need To Make This Fruity Shirley Temple Bars Recipe?

Maraschino cherries: These little red gems. Add bursts of sweetness. Throughout the bars. Chopping them finely. Ensures an even distribution. So every bite. Gets that fruity flavor.

Butter: Always make sure your butter. Is at room temperature. To ensure a smooth, creamy batter. It gives the bars that rich, buttery base. That melts in your mouth.

Lime zest: Don’t skip the lime zest! It’s the secret ingredient. That cuts through the sweetness. And gives the bars. A refreshing, citrusy brightness.

Grenadine syrup: This adds a gorgeous pink hue. To the frosting. And a sweet-tart flavor reminiscent of a classic Shirley Temple drink.

Cream cheese: For a frosting. That’s both creamy and tangy. Full-fat cream cheese is a must. It pairs perfectly. With the sweet cherries. And Grenadine.

Fruity Shirley Temple Bars

Steps To Make Fruity Shirley Temple Bars:

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350°F. And grease. A 9×9-inch baking pan. It’s important. To use a pan this size. For even baking. And that golden, chewy edge. We all love.

Step 2: In a large mixing bowl. Cream the butter. And sugar together. Until light and fluffy—this is key. For creating the soft, tender texture of the bars. Then, beat in the eggs. One at a time. Followed by the vanilla. And fresh lime zest. For that zingy citrus kick.

Step 3: In a separate bowl. Sift the flour. Salt, and baking powder together. This step helps prevent lumps. And gives your bars. The perfect rise.

Step 4: Slowly incorporate the dry ingredients. Into the wet mixture. Being careful. Not to overmix. You want everything just combined. To avoid a dense texture. Gently fold in the chopped maraschino cherries. For pops of fruity sweetness.

Step 5: Spread the batter evenly. Into your greased pan. And bake for 16-18 minutes. Or until a toothpick inserted. Into the center. Comes out clean. Once baked. Let the bars. Cool completely before frosting.

Step 6: For the frosting. Beat the cream cheese. And butter together. Until silky smooth. Add in the Grenadine, cherry juice, and powdered sugar. Adjusting the sugar. For your preferred sweetness. And thickness. Chill the frosting slightly. Before spreading it. On the bars.

Step 7: Once your bars are frosted. Refrigerate them. To let everything set before serving. Trust me. The wait is worth it!

Fruity Shirley Temple Bars


For an extra touch of flair. Try lightly toasting the slivered almonds. Before adding them to the frosting. The toasty crunch. Will contrast beautifully. With the creamy, tangy frosting. And add an extra layer of flavor. To your bars. Another tip: let the bars cool completely. Before frosting them. Or you’ll end up. With a runny mess. You can also pop the frosted bars in the fridge. For a few minutes. To help the frosting set—this makes slicing much easier. And cleaner!

Fruity Shirley Temple Bars

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use fresh cherries instead of maraschino cherries?

Yes! While maraschino cherries. Add a distinct flavor, fresh cherries. Would also work. For a more natural taste.

How do I store these bars?

Store them in an airtight container. In the fridge. They stay fresh. For up to 5 days!

Can I make these bars ahead of time?

Definitely! You can bake the bars a day ahead. And frost them. Just before serving. For the freshest results.

Fruity Shirley Temple Bars

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Fruity Shirley Temple Bars

Fruity Shirley Temple Bars

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 16 minutes
These Fruity Shirley Temple Bars. Are a fun. And fruity twist. On a classic dessert! Packed with maraschino cherries. And lime zest. The bars have just. The right balance of sweetness. And tang. The Grenadine-infused cream cheese frosting. Adds a nostalgic touch. That takes them. To the next level. I first made these. For a family gathering. And they were a tremendous hit! The bright pink frosting. And bursts of cherry flavor. Make these bars. Both visually stunning. And incredibly delicious.


  • 3/4 c chopped maraschino cherries
  • 1 c softened butter
  • 1 c granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp lime zest
  • 2 1/4 c all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder

For the Frosting:

  • 4 ounces cream cheese softened
  • 1/4 c butter softened
  • 3 tbsp Grenadine syrup
  • 1 tbsp maraschino cherry juice
  • 1 to 1 1/2 c powdered sugar


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. And grease. A 9x9-inch baking pan.
  2. In a large mixing bowl. Cream together the butter. And sugar. Until smooth. Whip in the eggs. One at a time. Then stir in the vanilla extract. And lime zest.
  3. In a separate bowl. Whisk together the flour, and salt. And baking powder. Gradually add the dry mixture. Into the wet ingredients. Stirring until just combined. Fold in the chopped maraschino cherries. Be careful. Not to overmix.
  4. Spread the batter evenly. Into the prepared baking pan. Bake for 16-18 minutes. Or until a toothpick. Inserted in the center. Comes out clean. Let the bars cool completely. In the pan.
  5. For the frosting. Beat together the softened cream cheese. And butter. Until smooth. Add in the Grenadine syrup. And cherry juice. Then gradually mix in the powdered sugar. Until you reach your desired frosting consistency. Refrigerate the frosting. Until the bars are ready.
  6. Once the bars. Have fully cooled. Spread the frosting evenly. Over the top. Chill before serving. For the most satisfactory results. Enjoy!


To make these bars gluten-free. Swap the all-purpose flour. With a 1:1 gluten-free baking flour blend. This way, you’ll still get that soft, cakey texture. Without any gluten. Be sure to check that your baking powder. And other ingredients. Are certified gluten-free. To avoid any cross-contamination. The maraschino cherries, Grenadine syrup. And other ingredients are naturally gluten-free. So you can still enjoy all the classic flavors. While keeping it safe. For those with gluten sensitivities!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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