Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey


Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey

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Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey – This Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey recipe. Combines the natural sweetness of pears. With warm spices like cinnamon and cardamom. All drizzled with golden honey. With minimal ingredients. And simple preparation. This dessert feels indulgent yet light. Serve with yogurt and cream. Or vanilla ice cream. For an added touch of creaminess. It’s the perfect fall treat. That’s healthy, simple. And absolutely delicious.

The first time I made these Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey. I was trying to come up. With a simple yet elegant dessert. That didn’t require too much prep time. My husband loves warm fruit desserts. And my kids adore anything. With ice cream. As soon as the house filled. With the comforting scent of cinnamon. And cardamom. I knew this was a hit. When I served the pears. Topped with a generous scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. My family couldn’t stop raving about it. Now, it’s a staple dessert in our home. Especially during cooler months.

What makes this Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey truly special?

What sets this recipe apart? Is its simplicity. And versatility. With only a few ingredients. You can whip up a dessert. That feels restaurant-quality. The combination of soft, roasted pears. The warmth of cinnamon. And cardamom. And the sweetness of honey. Creates a perfectly balanced dish. Plus, the fact that it pairs beautifully. With yogurt, cream, or ice cream. Makes it adaptable. For any occasion. Whether it’s a healthy treat. Or a comforting indulgence.

Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey

What You Need To Make This Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey Recipe?

Fresh Pears: Any variety will work. But I love using Bartlett or Bosc pears. Because they hold up well when roasted. And have a natural sweetness. That intensifies in the oven.

Honey: Adds a lovely natural sweetness. That caramelizes beautifully during roasting. Feel free to adjust the amount of honey. To suit your sweetness preference.

Butter: Just a small dab. In each pear. Adds a rich, velvety texture. And enhances the flavors as it melts. Into the honey and spices.

Ground Cinnamon and Cardamom: These spices bring warmth. And a hint of exotic flavor to the dish. If you don’t have cardamom. Feel free to use nutmeg or allspice. For a different twist.

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream: While yogurt or cream. Add a creamy contrast. Vanilla bean ice cream is an indulgent option. That elevates this dish. To another level.

Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey

Steps To Make Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey:

Step 1: Preheat your oven. To a cozy 400°F (200°C). And line a baking sheet. With parchment paper. This keeps the cleanup easy!

Step 2: Peel the pears. Then slice them in half. From top to bottom. Using a small spoon. Or melon baller. Scoop out the seeds. I like to leave the stems on. For that rustic, homey look.

Step 3: Lay the pear halves. Cut side up. On the baking sheet. Add a small pat of butter. To each hollow. Sprinkle generously. With cinnamon and cardamom. And drizzle a lovely stream of honey. Over the top.

Step 4: Pop the tray. Into the oven. For 10 minutes. Then, flip the pears. And roast. For another 10 minutes. Flip them once more. Roasting until they’re golden, and caramelized. And beautifully soft.

Step 5: Serve warm. With the juices spooned over. Alongside some thick yogurt. Or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. For a decadent finish!

Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey


To elevate this dish even further. Try using a variety of pears—like Bosc or Anjou—for different textures. And flavors. You can also add a splash of vanilla extract. Or a pinch of nutmeg. To the honey mixture. For extra warmth. If you’re feeling adventurous. Roast the pears. With a drizzle of balsamic glaze. For a sweet-tangy contrast. The key is not to rush. The roasting process—those golden edges. And softened centers. Are what make these pears. Irresistibly good!

Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other fruits for this recipe?

Absolutely! You can try apples, peaches, or plums. Using the same method. Adjust the roasting time. Depending on the firmness of the fruit.

Can I make this recipe vegan?

Yes. Simply swap the butter. For a plant-based butter alternative. And use a vegan-friendly sweetener. Like maple syrup instead of honey.

Can I prepare this recipe ahead of time?

You can roast the pears in advance. And store them in the fridge. Simply reheat them in the oven. For a few minutes before serving. To warm them up. And restore their softness.

Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey

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Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey

Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey

This Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey recipe. Is a celebration of simple, wholesome ingredients. Transformed into an elegant dessert. With just a few pantry staples—pears, butter, honey, and spices—this dish comes together effortlessly. The pears are roasted to perfection. Becoming tender. And caramelized. With a fragrant blend of cinnamon. And cardamom. Drizzled with honey. And served warm. Alongside thick yogurt. Or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It’s a sweet treat. That feels indulgent. Yet remains light and healthy. The natural flavors really shine. Making this an instant favorite. In my home.


  • Fresh pears
  • Honey
  • Butter
  • Ground cinnamon and cardamom

To Serve:

  • Thick plain yogurt or pouring cream
  • Vanilla bean ice cream


  1. Preheat your oven. To 200°C (400°F. Or gas mark 6). Line a baking sheet. With parchment paper.
  2. Peel the pears. And slice them. In half lengthwise. Use a melon baller. Or metal teaspoon. To scoop out the core. And discard the seeds. Trim the bottom of the pear if desired. But leave the stem on. For presentation.
  3. Arrange the pears. Cut side up. On the prepared baking sheet. Place a small pat of butter. In the hollow of each pear. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon. And cardamom. And drizzle generously. With honey.
  4. Roast for 10 minutes. Then carefully flip the pears. And roast. For another 10 minutes. Flip one final time. And roast. Until the pears are tender, golden. And lightly caramelized.
  5. Serve warm. With a spoonful of the roasting juices. And a side of thick yogurt, cream. Or a scoop. Of vanilla bean ice cream.


This Sweet Roasted Pears with Honey recipe. Is naturally gluten-free! It uses simple, whole ingredients—pears, honey, and butter—that are free from gluten. Just be sure to check your yogurt. Or ice cream labels. If you’re serving with those. As some brands may contain gluten-based additives. For an extra indulgence. Swap out the yogurt for gluten-free whipped cream. Or coconut cream. For a dairy-free option. That still delivers on rich flavor.

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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