Sweet Baked Apple Slices


Sweet Baked Apple Slices

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Sweet Baked Apple Slices – This “Sweet Baked Apple Slices” recipe. Is a delicious dessert. That combines flaky pastry. Sweet apple filling, and a rich vanilla glaze. It’s the perfect American treat. With a classic combination of flavors. Ideal for family gatherings. Or a simple sweet indulgence. You’ll love how the warm apple filling. Perfectly pairs with the tender crust. And creamy glaze.

The first time I made this Sweet Baked Apple Slices recipe. I was aiming for something. That felt like fall. In every bite. My husband and kids absolutely loved it. Especially the gooey apple filling. The moment I pulled it out of the oven. The smell of cinnamon. And apples. Filled the kitchen. And we couldn’t wait to dig in. Now, this recipe has become a go-to dessert for us. Especially during the colder months. It’s like having a warm, cozy hug. In every square!

What makes this Sweet Baked Apple Slices truly special?

What makes this recipe special? Is its simplicity paired with a rich, comforting flavor. The crust is made with lard. For that perfectly flaky texture. And the apple filling. Gives you the taste of homemade pie. Without all the effort. And don’t forget the vanilla glaze—it adds just the right amount of sweetness. And smoothness. To every bite. It’s a great alternative. To a traditional apple pie. And easier to make.

Sweet Baked Apple Slices

What You Need To Make This Sweet Baked Apple Slices Recipe?

All-purpose flour: This is the foundation of the crust. Sifting the flour. Helps keep it light. And ensures a tender, flaky dough. Don’t skip this step!

Baking powder: Gives the dough a little lift. Creating a lighter, fluffier crust. Combined with the lard. It helps create. That perfect golden-brown finish.

Kosher salt: I like using Diamond kosher salt. For its clean taste. A little goes a long way. To enhance the sweetness of the apples. And balance out. The richness of the crust.

Lard: If you’ve never baked with lard. This might be your game-changer. It creates an incredibly flaky crust. Even more than butter. If possible, go for non-hydrogenated, unprocessed lard. For the best results.

Water: Keep it cold! This keeps the lard. From melting too quickly as you mix. And ensures that the dough stays flaky. You could even use ice water. For that extra chill.

Egg yolks: They add richness to the dough. And help bind everything together. This extra bit of fat. Gives the crust a deliciously soft. And tender texture.

Lemon juice: A surprising addition, right? Just a splash of lemon juice. Brightens up the dough. And enhances the apple flavor. In the filling.

Apple filling: I used a store-bought apple dessert filling. For convenience. But feel free to use homemade apple pie filling. If you’re feeling extra fancy. Either way, this brings the sweet. And tart combo. That makes these slices irresistible.

Powdered sugar: The base for that sweet, creamy glaze. That drizzles over the top. It sets beautifully. And gives each bite. A touch of sweetness.

Butter (for glaze): Softened butter adds a rich, smooth texture to the glaze. Making it spread easily. Without being too runny.

Vanilla extract: A must for the glaze! It gives the frosting. A subtle warmth.. And depth of flavor. That complements the apples perfectly.

Whole milk: A little splash of milk. Ties the glaze together. You can add more. To thin it out. To your desired consistency.

Sweet Baked Apple Slices

Steps To Make Sweet Baked Apple Slices:

Step 1: Prepare Dough: Start by sifting together the flour. Baking powder, and salt. In a large bowl. Add the lard. And use your fingertips. Or a pastry cutter. To combine everything. Until you get coarse crumbs. In a small bowl. Whisk the water, egg yolks, and lemon juice together. Then gently mix. Into the flour mixture. With a fork. Until just combined. The dough will be quite moist.

Step 2: Roll the Dough: Divide the dough. Into two halves. Pat or roll one-half of the dough. Directly into a greased 9″13″ jelly roll pan. Allowing the dough. To come up slightly. On the edges. Spread the apple filling evenly. Over the base layer. Roll out. The second half of the dough. To fit the top. And carefully place it. Over the apple layer. Pinch the edges together. Patching as needed. Cut a few slits. In the top. To allow steam. To escape.

Step 3: Bake: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake the apple slices. For about 40 minutes. Rotating the pan halfway through. Until the crust. Turns golden brown. Let it cool. On a rack.

Step 4: Make the Glaze: While the dessert cools. Whisk together powdered sugar, and softened butter. Vanilla, and milk. Until smooth. Adjust the milk if needed. To reach the right consistency. Spread the glaze. Over the cooled crust. And allow it to set.

Step 5: Serve and Enjoy: Once the glaze has hardened. Slice the dessert. Into squares. And enjoy your sweet apple treat!


To achieve the flakiest crust. For your Sweet Baked Apple Slices. Make sure your lard is cold. And handle the dough gently. Overmixing can lead to a tough crust. So combine the ingredients. Just until the dough forms. Also, try using homemade apple filling. Or adding a pinch of cinnamon to the filling. For a richer flavor. For the glaze. Add a splash of almond extract. For a unique twist. If you’re feeling adventurous. Swap out some of the flour. For almond meal. To add a subtle nutty flavor!

Sweet Baked Apple Slices

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use butter instead of lard in the crust?

Yes. You can substitute butter for lard. If you prefer. However, lard gives the crust. A distinct flakiness. And texture. If using butter. Make sure it’s cold. And cut it in the same way. You would with lard. You may need to adjust the water slightly. To get the right dough consistency.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

Absolutely! You can bake the Sweet Baked Apple Slices a day in advance. And store them in an airtight container. Wait to glaze the top. Until just before serving. To ensure the crust stays flaky. And the glaze looks fresh.

How can I make the apple filling from scratch?

To make homemade apple filling. Peel and slice about 6 medium apples. Then cook them with 1/4 cup sugar. With 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Until softened. And thickened. This will give you a deliciously fresh, homemade filling!

Sweet Baked Apple Slices

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Sweet Baked Apple Slices

Sweet Baked Apple Slices

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Sweet Baked Apple Slices bring together. All the cozy flavors of fall. In one simple dessert. The flaky crust is made with lard. Giving it a perfectly tender texture. While the rich apple filling. Adds a comforting sweetness. Topped with a smooth vanilla glaze. This dessert is both delicious. And easy to prepare. Making it perfect for any occasion. Whether for a family gathering. Or a cozy treat at home. This dessert is sure to become a favorite.


For the Crust:

  • 2 c of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt I prefer using Diamond kosher salt, even when baking
  • 3/4 c lard go for non-hydrogenated, unprocessed if possible
  • 1/2 c cold water
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 32 oz apple pie filling or topping

For the Glaze:

  • 1 c powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp softened or melted butter
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp whole milk adjust for desired consistency


  1. In a large bowl. Sift together the flour. Baking powder, and salt. Cut in the lard. Using a pastry cutter. Or your fingers. Until the mixture. Resembles coarse crumbs. In a separate measuring cup. Whisk together the water. With egg yolks, and lemon juice. Gradually pour the wet mixture. Into the dry ingredients. Stirring gently with a fork. Until the dough comes together. The dough will be slightly sticky.
  2. Divide the dough. Into two equal portions. Take one half. And press. Or roll it directly. Into a 9x13-inch jelly roll pan. Making sure to push it. Slightly up the edges. You can use your hands. Or a small roller. Spread the apple filling. Evenly over this bottom layer of dough.
  3. For the top crust. Roll out the remaining dough. On a well-floured surface. Or the back of a sheet pan. Carefully flip it. Over the apple filling. Pinch the edges together. To seal. And don't worry. If it's not perfect—just ensure the apples. Are fully covered. Use a knife. To cut a few slits. In the top layer of dough. For steam to escape.
  4. Bake at 400°F for 40 minutes. Rotating the pan halfway through. Until the crust. Is golden brown. Once done. Remove the pan. And allow it to cool. On a rack.
  5. For the glaze. Mix the powdered sugar, softened butter. Vanilla, and milk. Until smooth. Add more milk if needed. To reach your desired consistency. Spread the glaze. Over the top of the cooled crust. And allow it to set. Before cutting the dessert. Into 2- or 3-inch squares. Enjoy!


To make this recipe gluten-free. Simply substitute the all-purpose flour. With a gluten-free flour blend. That contains xanthan gum for structure. Ensure that the baking powder you use. Is also gluten-free. You can also use a gluten-free apple pie filling. Or make your own. With fresh apples, cornstarch, and sugar. The lard will ensure your crust remains flaky. While the rich apple filling. And sweet glaze. Keep all the comforting flavors intact!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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