Easy TikTok Pasta Chips


Easy TikTok Pasta Chips

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Easy TikTok Pasta Chips – Looking for a fun. And a crispy snack? This Easy TikTok Pasta Chips recipe. Is the perfect quick snack. That’s taken the internet by storm! With just a few ingredients. Like pasta, parmesan cheese, and garlic powder. You can whip up a crunchy, savory treat. In no time. These chips are air-fried. For a healthier twist. And pair beautifully with your favorite dips.

The first time I made these pasta chips. My husband and kids were intrigued. To say the least. “Pasta…chips?” they questioned. Unsure what to expect. But after the first crunchy bite. Dipped in marinara sauce. They were hooked! It’s now a favorite. In our household. And we love experimenting with different seasonings. To keep things interesting.

What makes this Easy TikTok Pasta Chips truly special?

These Easy TikTok Pasta Chips. Are an absolute game-changer. They’re crispy, cheesy, and packed with flavor. Yet so simple to make. Air-frying the pasta. Instead of frying it in oil. Makes them a healthier option. And the versatility of dipping sauces. Means you can customize them. To your taste. Whether you’re making them as a party snack. Or just a fun weekend treat. These pasta chips are sure. To be a hit.

Easy TikTok Pasta Chips

What You Need To Make This Easy TikTok Pasta Chips Recipe?

Pasta: Any pasta works for this recipe. But short pasta like rigatoni or bow ties. Provide the best crunch.

Parmesan Cheese: For a dairy-free option. Use a vegan cheese alternative like violife. It melts and adds that perfect umami kick.

Olive Oil: A light drizzle of olive oil. Helps achieve that crisp texture. In the air fryer.

Garlic Powder & Pepper: Simple yet flavorful. These seasonings are the key. To elevating your pasta chips.

Easy TikTok Pasta Chips

Steps To Make Easy TikTok Pasta Chips:

Step 1: Cook the Pasta: Start by cooking the pasta. According to the package instructions. Once it’s done. Drain it. And place it back. Into the pot.

Step 2: Season the Pasta: Add the grated parmesan cheese. A drizzle of olive oil, garlic powder, and pepper. Toss everything together. Until the pasta is evenly coated. With the cheese and seasonings.

Step 3: Air Fry the Pasta: Preheat your air fryer to 400°F. Pour half of the seasoned pasta. Into the air fryer basket. You want the pasta to be slightly overlapping. But not too crowded. Air fry for 10 minutes. Giving it a shake halfway through. The cooking time.

Step 4: Check and Cool: In the last few minutes. Keep an eye on the pasta chips. By checking every 60 seconds. To prevent overcooking. The chips are done. When they turn a golden brown. Around the edges. Let them cool for a few minutes. To get even crispier!

Step 7: Serve and Enjoy: Serve your crispy pasta chips. With your favorite dipping sauce—marinara, ranch. Or even hummus works great. Enjoy this snack. While it’s fresh and crunchy!


For extra crispy pasta chips. Be sure to toss them in olive oil. And spices. Evenly before air frying. Another trick is to ensure the pasta is not crowded. In the air fryer basket—this allows the hot air. To circulate around each piece. And create a perfectly crunchy texture. If you want even more flavor. Sprinkle some parmesan. Or additional seasonings. After they’ve crisped up. While they’re still warm. And remember, they’ll crisp up even more. As they cool. So don’t worry. If they seem a little soft. When they first come out of the air fryer!

Easy TikTok Pasta Chips

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use gluten-free pasta for this recipe?

Yes. Gluten-free pasta works just as well! Be sure to choose a sturdy type. Like brown rice or quinoa-based pasta. To ensure it holds up in the air fryer. And achieves that perfect crisp.

How long can I store the pasta chips?

Pasta chips are best enjoyed fresh. But you can store them. In an airtight container at room temperature. For up to 2 days. They may lose some crispness over time. But a quick reheat in the air fryer. Can revive them.

What are some good dipping sauces to pair with pasta chips?

Marinara, ranch, garlic aioli. Or even hummus is a great choice! The mild, crispy pasta chips. Pair well with both creamy. And tangy dips.

Easy TikTok Pasta Chips

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Easy TikTok Pasta Chips

Easy TikTok Pasta Chips

Prep Time 12 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 22 minutes
These Easy TikTok Pasta Chips. Are a perfect quick snack. That’s crunchy, cheesy, and full of flavor. Made by tossing cooked pasta. In olive oil, parmesan, and seasonings. They’re air-fried to crispy perfection. The best part? You can customize them. With your favorite seasonings. Or dipping sauces like marinara or ranch! My family couldn’t get enough of them. The first time I made these—they were gone in minutes. Whether you’re hosting a party. Or just looking for something different to snack on. These pasta chips. Will become your new favorite go-to treat!


  • ½ lb of your preferred pasta
  • ½ c grated parmesan cheese or a vegan alternative like Violife for a dairy-free option
  • Drizzle of olive oil approximately 1 tablespoon
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • Sauce of your choice for dipping


  1. Cook your pasta. According to the instructions. On the package. Then drain it. And return it to the pot.
  2. Mix in the grated cheese. With olive oil, garlic powder, and pepper. Stir everything together. Until evenly coated.
  3. Transfer half of the pasta. To your air fryer basket. Make sure the pieces are touching. But not fully stacked. On top of each other. To allow for even cooking.
  4. Set the air fryer to 400°F. And cook for 10 minutes. Tossing halfway through. In the last few minutes. Check the pasta frequently. To ensure it doesn’t overcook. As air fryer times may vary.
  5. Once the pasta turns. A deep golden brown. Remove it from the air fryer. And allow it to cool—this will make the chips even crispier. Serve alongside your favorite dipping sauce. And enjoy!


To make this recipe gluten-free. Simply substitute regular pasta with gluten-free pasta. Opt for a sturdier variety like brown rice or chickpea pasta. To ensure it holds up during air frying. Gluten-free pasta might crisp up a little differently. But the result will still be delicious. Additionally, make sure the parmesan cheese. Or its vegan alternative is gluten-free. To keep the entire recipe safe. For those with gluten sensitivities. Enjoy this crunchy snack. With no worries!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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