Orange Muffins


Orange Muffins

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Orange Muffins – Orange Muffins. A delightful breakfast treat. That encapsulates the essence of sun-ripened oranges in every bite. This recipe brings together. The zesty aroma of fresh oranges. With the comforting warmth of a freshly-baked muffin. With main ingredients. Like all-purpose flour. Granulated sugar, and the zest of three oranges. These muffins are not just a treat to your taste buds. But a feast for your senses.

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The first time I decided to bake these Orange Muffins. It was on a whim to surprise my family. On a lazy Sunday morning. As the aroma filled our home. It drew my husband. And child out of bed. Quicker than any alarm clock could. Watching their faces light up with the first bite. And seeing how the muffins became a staple in our breakfast repertoire. Is a memory I cherish deeply. These muffins are not just baked goods in our home. They are a symbol of love. And comfort.

What makes this Orange Muffins truly special?

Orange Muffins

What sets these Orange Muffins apart? It’s the perfect balance of zestiness from the fresh orange zest and juice. Combined with the sweet. The fluffy texture of the muffin. The addition of a tangy orange glaze on top. Elevates it from a mere muffin. To a gourmet treat. Moreover, the method of resting the batter before baking. And the high initial oven temperature. Ensures that each muffin rises beautifully. Achieving bakery-style tops. That are hard to resist.

What You Need To Make This Orange Muffins Recipe?

Orange Muffins

All-purpose Flour: Think of this as the building block of our muffins. It’s what holds everything together. Ensuring our muffins. Have the perfect structure. And softness.

Granulated Sugar: This is the sweet spot, literally! It balances the tartness of the oranges. And brings that irresistible sweetness. That makes these muffins a joy to eat.

Baking Powder & Baking Soda: Our little heroes. That makes the muffins puff up. And rise. Giving them that gorgeous. Airy texture we all love.

Salt: Just a touch. But it makes all the difference. It sharpens the flavors. Making the sweet. And citrus notes pop.

Eggs: They tie everything together. Adding richness. And helping our muffin batter. Become smooth. And cohesive.

Buttermilk: This is the secret to super moist. And tender muffins. It adds a slight tanginess. That complements the orange flavor beautifully.

Vegetable Oil: For that melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. It keeps the muffins moist. From the first bite. To the last.

Orange Zest Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice: The real stars of the show. They infuse the muffins with a bright. Citrusy flavor. Making each bite. Feel like a burst of sunshine.

Orange Glaze: A sweet. And tangy topping. Made with powdered sugar. And more orange juice. It’s like the icing on the cake. But for muffins. Adding an extra layer of deliciousness. That makes them irresistible.

Steps To Make Orange Muffins:

Orange Muffins

Step 1: In a bowl. Whisk together flour. Sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. This blend forms the dry base of our muffins. Laying the groundwork. For the magic to happen.

Step 2: In a larger bowl. The eggs, buttermilk, oil, zest, and juice come together. In a beautiful symphony. Mix these with love. And a spatula. Just until they’re happily acquainted.

Step 3: Now, gently marry the dry. And wet ingredients. Mix with the care of weaving. A delicate tapestry. Until just combined. Let this union rest. Under a cozy towel blanket for 15 minutes. As you preheat your oven to a toasty 425ºF. Setting the stage for the muffins to perform.

Step 4: Prepare your muffin pan with liners. Adopting the every-other-well technique. For those envy-worthy muffin tops. Fill each liner generously. Smooth the tops. And maybe sprinkle some sanding sugar. For that extra sparkle.

Step 5: Bake at 425ºF for a grand entrance. Then lower the heat. To let them rise. And golden gently. The toothpick test. Will tell you when they’re done. Each muffin a perfect little dome of joy.

Step 6: Glazing these beauties is the final touch of love. Mix powdered sugar. And orange juice. To your preferred consistency. Then anoint each muffin with a crowning glaze.


Orange Muffins

One pro tip. For this Orange Muffins recipe. Is to really focus on the orange zest. Use a microplane. Or fine grater to zest your oranges. Ensuring you only get the colorful outer skin. And not the white pith beneath. Which can be bitter. This method maximizes the orange flavor. Without adding any bitterness. The oils in the zest. Are packed with aromatic compounds. That infuse the muffins with a vibrant. Citrusy essence. This little attention to detail. Makes a huge difference. In the overall flavor. Elevating your Orange Muffins from good. To unforgettable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Orange Muffins

Can I use orange extract instead of zest?

While you can. I highly recommend using fresh zest. For that irreplaceable natural flavor. And aroma.

Can these muffins be frozen?

Wrap them well. And they can be a delightful treat. Even on a hectic morning.

My muffins didn’t rise well, what went wrong?

Ensure your baking powder is fresh. And that you’re not overmixing the batter. The initial high oven temperature. Is also crucial for that rise.

Orange Muffins

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Orange Muffins

Orange Muffins

Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 23 minutes
These Orange Muffins are like a warm hug. On a sunny morning. Embodying the essence of home-cooked comfort. With a zesty twist. Each bite is a dance of flavors. Where the bright cheerfulness of freshly squeezed orange juice. And the tender crumb of the muffin. Meet in a delightful symphony. Crafted with love. From whisking the batter. To drizzling the sweet. Tangy glaze. These muffins are not just a recipe. But a moment of joy. Shared over steaming cups of coffee. And stories at the breakfast table. They are a testament. To the simple pleasures in life. Turning ordinary mornings. Into cherished gatherings.


  • 3 c all-purpose flour 360 g, measured properly
  • 1 ½ c granulated sugar
  • 3 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • ¾ c buttermilk
  • ½ c vegetable oil
  • Zest of 3 oranges
  • ¼ c fresh squeezed orange juice

Orange Glaze:

  • 1 ⅓ c powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoon fresh squeezed orange juice


  1. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a bowl, mix together 3 cups of flour, 1 ½ cups of sugar, 3 teaspoons of baking powder, ½ teaspoon of baking soda, and ½ teaspoon of salt. Set aside.
  2. Combine Wet Ingredients: In a larger bowl, beat together 2 eggs, ¾ cup buttermilk, ½ cup vegetable oil, zest from 3 oranges, and ¼ cup orange juice for about 30 seconds.
  3. Combine Wet and Dry: Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet, stirring just until they're mixed together. The batter will be thick.
  4. Rest the Batter: Cover the bowl with a towel and let the batter sit for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 425ºF.
  5. Prepare Muffin Pan: Line a 12-cup muffin pan with 6 liners, spacing them out. Fill the liners to the top with batter.
  6. Bake: Bake at 425ºF for 7 minutes. Then, without opening the oven, reduce the temperature to 350ºF and bake for another 13-16 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.
  7. Cool: Let the muffins cool in the pan.
  8. Make Glaze: Mix 1 ⅓ cups powdered sugar with 3 tablespoons of orange juice to make the glaze. Adjust the orange juice to get the consistency you like.
  9. Glaze Muffins: Once the muffins are cool, drizzle them with the orange glaze.
  10. Enjoy your delicious, zesty Orange Muffins!


To make these delightful Orange Muffins gluten-free. Simply switch the all-purpose flour. For your favorite gluten-free flour blend. That matches the original in a 1:1 ratio. Ensure your blend includes xanthan gum. To mimic gluten’s structure. If not, add about ¾ teaspoon. To prevent your muffins. From falling apart. This easy substitution. Lets you maintain the muffins' beloved texture. And flavor. Making the recipe accessible to everyone. Embrace this small change. And watch as your kitchen becomes a place. Where everyone. Regardless of dietary restrictions. Can enjoy the warm. Citrus-infused joy of your baking. This gluten-free tweak. Is not just about adjusting ingredients. It's a celebration of inclusivity. Ensuring that the joy of a freshly baked, zesty muffin. Can be shared by all.

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