Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake


Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake

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Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake – Looking for a decadent dessert? That everyone can enjoy? This Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake. Is made with coconut milk, and almond milk. And sweetened condensed coconut milk. Creating the perfect rich. And moist texture. Without any dairy. Ideal for those avoiding lactose. It’s a must-try twist. On the classic treat! This cake is easy to prepare. And deliciously indulgent. Making it a crowd-pleaser every time.

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The first time I made this cake. I was skeptical. About creating a dairy-free version of such a rich. And creamy dessert. But my husband. Who loves anything with coconut. Couldn’t stop raving about it! My child even asked. For a second slice. Which is always a good sign. In our household. The combination of coconut and almond milk. Soaks into the cake perfectly. And the coconut whipped topping. Takes it over the top! Now, it’s a family favorite. For special occasions. And no one misses the dairy.

What makes this Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake truly special?

This Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake. Offers all the indulgence of the classic. But without the dairy. Making it perfect. For lactose-intolerant friends. And family. The blend of coconut milk, almond milk, and sweetened condensed coconut milk. Ensures the cake remains soft. And moist. While offering a delightful coconut flavor. Topped with a light. And fluffy coconut whipped cream. This cake is a tropical twist. On a traditional favorite. Making it a refreshing. Yet comforting dessert.

Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake

What You Need To Make This Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake Recipe?

Unsweetened Coconut Milk: This is what gives the cake its signature moisture. Without using dairy. The coconut milk adds richness. But it’s not too overpowering. So it’s just the right balance.

Almond Milk: I use almond milk. Because it’s light. And gives a slightly nutty taste. That complements the coconut. You can always substitute. Another plant-based milk. If you prefer.

Sweetened Condensed Coconut Milk: The real game-changer. In this recipe! It adds that luscious sweetness. And thick, creamy texture. That makes this cake so indulgent.

Coconut Cream: This is used to make the whipped topping. By chilling the cans overnight. The cream separates from the liquid. Giving you the perfect whipped topping texture.

Powdered Sugar: Just the right amount of sweetness. To complement the coconut cream. Without being overpowering.

Vanilla: A dash of vanilla. Brings everything together. Enhancing the coconut. And almond flavors. And adding a touch of warmth.

Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake

Steps To Make Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake:

Step 1: First things first—preheat your oven to 350°F. And grease. A 9×13 baking dish. So your cake. Comes out perfectly.

Step 2: In a large bowl. Beat the sugar. And eggs together. Until they’re smooth. And fluffy. Like you’re creating a cloud. Then, stir in the vanilla. For that warm, comforting flavor.

Step 3: In another bowl. Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt. And then slowly combine. The dry ingredients. Into the wet mix. Don’t overmix—just until it’s smooth!

Step 4: Pour the batter. Into your prepared dish. And bake. For about 30 minutes. Or until a toothpick inserted. Comes out clean. Let the cake cool a little. But not too much—just enough. To handle.

Step 5: While it’s baking. Whisk together the coconut milk, and almond milk. And sweetened condensed coconut milk. In a big bowl. This mixture is going to soak. Into the cake. And make it super moist.

Step 6: Now for the fun part—poke the cake all over. With a fork! Seriously. Go wild with it. Then, slowly pour the milk mixture. Over the warm cake. Making sure it seeps. Into every little hole. Let it cool. To room temperature. Then cover it. And pop it. In the fridge. For at least 8 hours (or overnight. If you can wait that long!).

Step 7: While your cake is chilling. Put the cans of coconut cream. In the fridge too. When ready. Scoop the thick cream. From the top (don’t shake the can). And whip it up. With powdered sugar. And vanilla. Until smooth.

Step 8: Once your cake has chilled. Frost it with the coconut whipped cream. And sprinkle cinnamon on top. If you like. Chill again before serving.


To get the perfect coconut whipped topping. Make sure to refrigerate. The coconut cream overnight. This step is essential. Because it helps the cream separate from the liquid. Making it easier. To scoop the solid part for whipping. When whipping. Start slowly. And add the powdered sugar in batches. Taste as you go. To ensure the sweetness. Is just right. You can even add a splash of coconut extract. Or a sprinkle of cinnamon. To elevate the flavor. And don’t throw away the liquid—it’s great for smoothies. Or curries!

Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of milk in the recipe?

Yes! While almond milk complements. The coconut milk beautifully. You can use any plant-based milk. Such as oat or soy. Depending on your preference. Just make sure it’s unsweetened. So it doesn’t alter the flavor.

How long does the cake need to chill?

For the best results. Let the cake chill. For at least 8 hours. Or overnight. This allows the milk mixture. To fully soak in. Making the cake extra moist. And flavorful.

Can I make this cake ahead of time?

Absolutely! This cake actually gets better. After it sits in the fridge. So feel free to make it. A day in advance. Just frost it. Right before serving. For the freshest taste.

Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake

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Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake

Delicious Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
inactive 9 hours
This Dairy-Free Tres Leches Cake. Is the ultimate indulgence. For those avoiding dairy. But not flavor! The cake is soaked. In a luscious blend of coconut milk, and almond milk. And sweetened condensed coconut milk. Making every bite moist. And creamy. Topped with a light, fluffy coconut whipped cream. This dessert is perfect for celebrations. Or whenever you're in the mood. For something special. The subtle coconut flavor. Combined with the sweetness of the condensed milk. Creates a truly unforgettable cake.


  • 1 c sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ c all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 c unsweetened coconut milk from a can
  • ½ c almond milk
  • 1 11 ounces can sweetened condensed coconut milk
  • Cinnamon for garnish (optional)

Coconut Whipped Topping:

  • 2 13 oz cans coconut cream
  • ¾ - 1 c powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). And grease. A 9x13 baking dish. To prevent sticking.
  2. In a large mixing bowl. Beat together the sugar and eggs. Until smooth. Add in the vanilla extract. Continuing to mix. Until the batter is light. And fluffy.
  3. In a separate bowl. Sift together the flour, baking powder. And salt. Slowly incorporate. The dry mixture. Into the wet ingredients. Stirring just until combined—avoid overmixing.
  4. Pour the batter evenly. Into the prepared baking dish. Bake for 30-34 minutes. Or until a toothpick. Inserted into the center. Comes out clean.
  5. While the cake bakes. Whisk together the unsweetened coconut milk, almond milk, and sweetened condensed coconut milk. In a medium bowl. Until smooth. And well combined.
  6. When the cake is done. Take it out of the oven. And use a fork. To poke holes. All over the top of the cake. Carefully pour. The milk mixture. Over the warm cake. Making sure it soaks in. Let the cake cool completely. At room temperature.
  7. Once the cake is cool. Cover it. And refrigerate. For at least 8 hours. Or overnight. To allow the flavors to meld. At this time. Also refrigerate. The cans of coconut cream.
  8. For the whipped topping. Open the chilled cans of coconut cream. Without shaking them. Scoop out the solid cream. From the top. And place it. In a mixing bowl. Reserve the liquid. For another use.
  9. Whip the coconut solids. Until smooth. And fluffy. Then slowly add powdered sugar. And vanilla extract. Continuing to whisk. Until everything. Is well incorporated.
  10. Spread the whipped coconut topping evenly. Over the chilled cake. Optionally, sprinkle with cinnamon. Before serving. Keep the cake refrigerated. Until it’s time to enjoy!


To make this recipe gluten-free. Simply replace the all-purpose flour. With a 1:1 gluten-free baking blend. Make sure to use a mix. That includes xanthan gum. Or another binding agent. To help maintain the cake's structure. And light, fluffy texture. You can still enjoy. The same moist, creamy results. And paired with the coconut whipped topping. No one will ever guess it’s gluten-free! With this easy substitution. Everyone at your table. Can indulge in this delicious cake.

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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