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Caramel Crumb Bars

  • Author: Audrey
  • Total Time: 5 hours 30 minutes
  • Yield: 12 Pieces 1x


Immerse yourself in the combination of flavors and textures found in these Caramel Crumb Bars. They are a masterpiece that goes beyond the ordinary dessert experience. Picture taking a bite into a buttery shortbread base that melds seamlessly with a golden caramel layer. On top of that, there’s a sweet topping. Each bar is, like a symphony of both salty elements perfectly balanced to excite your taste buds. This recipe isn’t about satisfying your tooth; it’s about creating moments of pure joy where every mouthful takes you on a journey through delightful contrasts and luxurious indulgence. Whether it’s, for an occasion. Just because these bars embody the happiness that comes from baking at home offering you an exquisite treat that is sure to be adored by all.



For the Salted Caramel Sauce (or use pre-made sauce):

1 c (200 g) Granulated Sugar

6 tbsp (84 g) Unsalted Butter, cut into pieces

½ c (120 ml) Heavy Cream

½ tsp Coarse Salt

For the Shortbread Base and Crumb Topping:

¾ c (168 g) Unsalted Butter, melted

¾ c (150 g) Granulated Sugar

1 ¾ c (219 g) All-Purpose Flour

3 tbsp (22.5 g) Cornstarch (referred to as cornflour in Australia)

¼ tsp Salt

2 tbsp Light Brown Sugar

For the Caramel Layer:

c (160 ml) Salted Caramel Sauce


First, you have the option to prepare caramel sauce by melting sugar in a saucepan, on medium heat until it turns amber-colored. Then add butter and stir until combined. Lower the heat and mix in cream until the mixture becomes smooth. Stir in some salt. Allow it to cool.

Next let’s move on to making the base and crumb topping. Preheat your oven to 325°F (160°C). Line an 8×8-inch pan with parchment paper. Blend melted butter with sugar then add flour, cornstarch and salt to form a dough. Press down half of the dough into the pan. Refrigerate the remaining portion.

Now it’s time to bake the base. Place it in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Until it turns golden brown. Let it cool for around 20 to 30 minutes.

Once your base has cooled down spread caramel sauce over it

In a bowl mix sugar with the remaining dough and crumble this mixture over the caramel layer.

Bake everything again for 25 to 30 minutes. Until you see a golden topping, with bubbling caramel.

Allow your bars to cool in the pan for 3 hours before serving them.

To serve them neatly use parchment paper to lift them out of the pan. Cut them into desired pieces. Savor each bite!


If you’re embarking into the world of gluten-free eating you don’t have to give up on relishing treats, like our Caramel Crumb Bars. You can effortlessly alter this recipe to be gluten-free. Just switch out the all-purpose flour in both the base and crumb topping, with your blend of gluten-free flour that simulates the texture and consistency of regular flour. Make sure to choose a blend that can be substituted 1:1 to guarantee that the bars keep their signature tender texture. Also double check that your cornstarch is tagged as gluten-free to bypass any cross-contamination during processing.

  • Prep Time: 45 minutes
  • Cook Time: 45 minutes