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Candied Walnuts

Candied Walnuts

  • Author: Audrey
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 6 1x


These Candied Walnuts are a little bite of heaven. Each walnut, with its glossy caramelized coating, offers a delightful crunch that dances between sweet and nutty. It’s the kind of treat that warms the heart; reminiscent of cozy afternoons with family, laughter ringing in the air, and the simple joys of homemade goodness.



2 c walnuts

1/2 c granulated sugar

3 tbsp light brown sugar

1/2 c water

2 tbsp unsalted butter

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)


Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper.

In a skillet that’s not prone to sticking combine walnuts, both types of sugar, water and butter. If you like you can add cinnamon as well.

Cook over high heat while stirring continuously until the moisture evaporates and the walnuts start clumping. This should take 5 minutes.

Add salt to the mixture. Then transfer the nuts onto the baking sheet. Spread them out evenly.

Allow the nuts to cool down completely before breaking them into pieces. Enjoy!


To make a variation of our Candied Walnuts it’s important to be cautious, about any hidden gluten in the ingredients or spices you use. Regardless, here’s an interesting idea; after spreading out the walnuts to cool try sprinkling an amount of gold dust or flakes that are gluten-free. This not only guarantees a treat that’s safe for those avoiding gluten but also adds a touch of sophistication and playfulness, to your delightful creation.

  • Cook Time: 5 MINUTES