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Banana Cream Cheesecake

Banana Cream Cheesecake

  • Author: Audrey
  • Total Time: 2 hours 10 minutes
  • Yield: 12-14 1x


Embark, on an adventure with our Banana Cream Cheesecake, a true masterpiece that beautifully combines the comforting sweetness of ripe bananas with the luxurious richness of cream cheese. Each delectable bite of this cheesecake offers a symphony of textures; from the crumbly and buttery vanilla wafer crust to the velvety and banana-infused cream cheese filling and topped with an airy touch of cream. Adorned with a swirl of whipped cream and fresh banana slices this dessert is not only a delight, for your taste buds but also visually captivating. Handcrafted with love and skill our Banana Cream Cheesecake guarantees a dessert experience where traditional flavors are taken to heights.




2 1/4 c (302 grams) vanilla wafer crumbs

10 tablespoon (140 grams) salted butter, melted

3 tablespoon (39 grams) sugar


24 oz (678 grams) cream cheese, room temperature

1 c (207 grams) sugar

3 tablespoon (24 grams) all-purpose flour

1/4 c (58 grams) sour cream, room temperature

4 teaspoon banana extract

1 c (240 ml) pureed banana (2 medium-sized bananas)*

3 large eggs, room temperature


1 teaspoon powdered gelatin

2 tablespoon (30 ml) milk

2 egg yolks

1/2 c (120 ml) heavy whipping cream

2 tablespoon (26 grams) sugar

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon banana extract

2/3 c (160 ml) heavy whipping cream, cold

5 tablespoon (36 grams) powdered sugar


1/2 c heavy whipping cream, cold

1/4 c powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Fresh sliced bananas


Preheat your oven to 325°F (163°C).

In a bowl mix together vanilla wafer crumbs, melted butter and sugar. Press this mixture into a 9-inch springform pan.

Bake the crust for 10 minutes and let it cool.

Now let’s prepare the cheesecake filling. Reduce the temperature to 300°F (148°C).

In a bowl blend cream cheese, sugar and flour until it becomes smooth. Then mix in cream and banana extract.

Next, add the banana puree followed by adding eggs one at a time while gently mixing everything together.

Pour this filling into the crust. Bake it in a water bath, for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

While the cheesecake is baking we’ll prepare the Bavarian Cream.

Start by sprinkling gelatin over milk.

In another bowl whisk egg yolks.

Heat half a cup of cream along with sugar and extracts until warm. Gradually add this mixture to the egg yolks.

Return this combined mixture to heat until it thickens. Then add gelatin. Allow it to cool.

Whip two-thirds cup of cream with sugar separately. Fold this whipped cream into custard.

Once your cheesecake has cooled completely after baking spread the Bavarian Cream over it evenly. Chill this for about five to six hours.

Lastly we’ll add a whipped cream topping!

Whip some cream with powdered sugar and vanilla.

Use a piping bag or spoon, to pipe or spread this whipped cream onto your chilled cheesecake.

You can also garnish it with some slices of banana.

And there you have it a delicious banana cheesecake ready to be enjoyed!

After the cheesecake has completely set carefully take it out of the pan.

Slice the cheesecake, into portions serve them and relish each bite that is filled with the goodness of bananas.


You would be surprised, at how easy it is to turn this Banana Cream Cheesecake into a gluten-free free treat! The main change you need to make is with the crust. Instead of using vanilla wafer crumbs opt for a gluten-free alternative like gluten-free graham cracker crumbs or crushed gluten-free shortbread cookies. These substitutes will give you a similar texture and flavor so you won’t miss out on the crumbly base that perfectly complements our creamy cheesecake. As for the filling just swap out all-purpose flour, with your gluten-free flour blend.

  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 1 hour 40 minutes