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Ambrosia Salad

  • Author: Audrey
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 8 servings 1x


Ambrosia Salad goes beyond being a dish; it’s a journey, into a world of creamy fruity delight. Imagine a combination of thawed whipped topping blending perfectly with the smooth and sweet embrace of vanilla yogurt. In this creation envision adding an assortment of fruits; the tangy playfulness of mandarin oranges, the joyful explosion of pineapple and the delightful sweetness of maraschino cherries all swirling together in a lively display of colors and flavors. You can also add some pecans for a crunch that adds texture or sprinkle in some fruit-flavored marshmallows to bring an extra touch of whimsical joy. Every spoonful of this Ambrosia Salad is like experiencing a symphony of flavors.



8 oz frozen whipped topping, thawed

1/2 c vanilla yogurt

1 c shredded sweetened coconut

1 11-oz can mandarin oranges, drained

1 8-oz can pineapple tidbits or crushed pineapple, drained

1 c maraschino cherries, drained

1/2 c chopped pecans, optional

1 1/2 c mini fruit-flavored marshmallows


In a bowl combine the defrosted whipped topping and vanilla yogurt until they are thoroughly mixed together.

Next gently add the coconut, mandarin oranges (after draining them), pineapple, cherries and if desired chopped pecans.

Then carefully fold in the fruit-flavored marshmallows.

Finally refrigerate the salad for some time before serving to let all the flavors blend together nicely.


For those of us navigating the gluten-free world, transforming this Ambrosia Salad into a gluten-free delight is wonderfully simple. The key is in the details. First, ensure that your whipped topping and vanilla yogurt are certified gluten-free – a quick label check does the trick. The real magic happens with the marshmallows: opt for a gluten-free brand to keep the whimsy without the worry. As for the fruits – mandarin oranges, pineapple, and cherries – they’re naturally gluten-free, but do watch out for any additives in canned versions. Pecans and coconut are safe havens in our gluten-free journey.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes