Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies


Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies

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Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies – If you’ve been craving a cookie that’s buttery, soft, and has just the right hint of sweetness, then you’re in for a treat with these Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies. They’re made with browned butter, which gives them a rich, nutty flavor, and a touch of jam that adds just the right amount of sweetness. Perfect to enjoy with a cup of tea, or honestly, whenever you need a little something to brighten your day.

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I’ll be honest, the first time I tried making these, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out. The idea of shaping cookies with a spoon sounded a bit quirky, but I was intrigued. The moment the butter started browning and that nutty, warm aroma filled the kitchen, I knew I was onto something special. My husband wandered in, drawn by the smell, and couldn’t wait to try one. He was hooked from the first bite. Even our little one, who’s not the biggest fan of new flavors, kept coming back for more. Now, these cookies are a regular thing in our house—whenever we need a little pick-me-up, I know exactly what to make.

What makes this Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies truly special?

These cookies are pure comfort. The browned butter gives them a deep, toasty flavor that makes each bite feel indulgent, and the hint of jam in the middle adds a lovely touch of sweetness. They’re so simple, yet there’s something special about the way they’re made—pressed into a spoon shape that’s both adorable and easy. They’re the kind of treat that makes you smile, whether you’re sneaking one with your morning coffee or sharing them at a gathering. Trust me, once you make a batch, you’ll find yourself coming back to this recipe again and again.

Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies

What You Need To Make This Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies Recipe?

Unsalted Butter: Here’s where the magic starts. Browning the butter gives these cookies a deep, nutty flavor that’s hard to beat. It takes a few extra minutes, but it’s totally worth it. Just keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn—once it starts to smell all toasty and caramel-like, you’re golden.

All-Purpose Flour: Nothing fancy, just good ol’ all-purpose flour. It’s what gives the cookies their soft, melt-in-your-mouth texture. If you have it on hand, you’re good to go.

Granulated Sugar: This brings just the right amount of sweetness without making the cookies too sugary. It blends beautifully with the browned butter to give you that perfect balance.

Vanilla Extract: A few teaspoons of this, and you’ve got that warm, comforting flavor that just makes everything taste better. If you can, splurge on a good one—it makes a difference.

Egg & Egg Yolk: Here’s the trick: using an extra yolk makes these cookies richer and a bit more tender. It’s a small thing that gives a big payoff. And make sure they’re at room temperature, so they mix in smoothly.

Baking Soda & Fine Salt: Just a little bit of each. The baking soda helps the cookies rise slightly, and the salt balances out the sweetness, making all the flavors pop.

Jam: This is where you can have fun. Raspberry, strawberry, apricot—whatever makes your heart happy. A little dollop between two cookies, and you’ve got a sweet, fruity surprise in every bite.

Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies

Steps To Make Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies:

Brown the Butter: Start by melting the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Let it cook until it turns a beautiful golden amber color and you get that lovely, toasty, nutty smell. That’s when you know it’s perfect. Pour it into a heat-safe bowl and let it cool down a bit—just until it’s warm, not hot.

Preheat & Prep: While the butter is cooling, go ahead and preheat your oven to 325°F. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper and set them aside. You’re almost ready to bake!

Mix the Dry Ingredients: In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt. This makes sure everything is evenly mixed, so you don’t get any weird clumps later. Set it aside for now.

Combine the Wet Ingredients: Grab your slightly warm butter and mix it with the sugar. Beat them together for about a minute or two until they’re well combined. Then add the vanilla, egg, and extra yolk, and keep mixing until it’s all smooth and creamy.

Bring It All Together: On low speed, slowly add your dry ingredients to the wet mix. Blend just until you can’t see any more flour. Don’t overdo it—nobody wants tough cookies.

Shape the Cookies: Now for the fun part! Take a little bit of dough and press it into a teaspoon, flattening off the top and getting rid of any excess. Carefully slide the dough out of the spoon using your fingers, keeping that curved shape. Repeat until you’ve used up all the dough.

Bake: Place the cookies on your lined cookie sheets, flat side down, with the rounded side facing up. Pop them in the oven and bake for about 8-10 minutes, or until the edges are just barely turning golden. Take them out and let them cool right there on the sheet.

Fill with Jam & Chill: Once they’re completely cool, spread a little bit of your favorite jam on the flat side of one cookie and sandwich it with another. If the cookies start to slide around, stick them in the fridge for 30-60 minutes to firm up. Then, they’re all yours to enjoy!

Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies


Browning the butter might sound like a small step, but it makes all the difference. Just keep the heat on medium-low and don’t rush it—seriously, hang out by the stove and keep stirring. You’ll see it melt, then bubble a bit, and before you know it, it’ll start turning golden brown. That’s when the magic happens, and you’ll get this amazing nutty, toasty aroma. When you see that, take it off the heat and pour it into a bowl right away to cool down. If you wait too long, it can burn fast, and nobody wants that. Sure, it takes a few extra minutes, but trust me, the flavor is so worth it. Bonus tip: if you’ve got extra browned butter, drizzle it over veggies or stir it into mashed potatoes. You’ll thank me later!

Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I really need to brown the butter?

Yes, you do! I know it feels like an extra step, but it’s what makes these cookies so special. Browning the butter gives them this deep, nutty flavor that you just can’t get any other way. It’s a little thing, but it makes a big difference.

What kind of jam works best?

Honestly, it’s up to you! Raspberry and strawberry are always winners, but apricot, blackberry, or even a mix of different jams can be fun. Just make sure it’s not too runny, or the cookies might slide around when you sandwich them.

How do I stop the cookies from sliding after I add the jam?

If they’re slipping and sliding, just pop them in the fridge for 30 minutes. It helps firm them up and keeps everything together. Plus, chilled cookies with a little burst of jam? Perfect for a summer snack!

Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies

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Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies

Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
inactive 55 minutes
These Sweet Finnish Teaspoon Cookies are like a little bite of comfort. Made with rich, browned butter that gives them a warm, nutty flavor, they’re soft, buttery, and melt in your mouth. And just when you think it can’t get any better, there’s that surprise hint of sweet jam in the middle. Shaping them with a spoon gives them this simple, charming look, and they’re perfect for a cozy afternoon snack or to share with friends over coffee. Easy to make, elegant to serve, and so good you’ll find yourself sneaking a second… or third!


  • 1 c unsalted butter
  • 2 1/4 c all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp fine salt
  • 3/4 c granulated sugar
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg plus 1 large yolk, at room temp


Brown the Butter:

  1. Warm the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Keep stirring until it turns a warm, golden amber color and you start to smell that nutty, toasty aroma—so good, right? As soon as it’s ready, pour it into a heat-safe bowl and let it cool until it’s just warm, not hot.

Preheat & Prep:

  1. While the butter is cooling, set your oven to 325°F. Grab two cookie sheets, line them with parchment paper, and set them aside for later. You’re almost ready to bake!

Mix the Dry Ingredients:

  1. In a bowl, mix up the flour, baking soda, and salt with a whisk until they’re nicely combined. This makes sure everything is evenly distributed and ready to go. Set the bowl aside.

Combine Wet Ingredients:

  1. Take your cooled butter and beat it with the sugar until well mixed, about 1-2 minutes. The butter should still be warm, but not too hot.

Add Vanilla & Eggs:

  1. Now, mix in the vanilla extract, egg, and extra yolk. Mix it all together until it’s smooth and everything’s well blended.

Blend in Dry Ingredients:

  1. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, keeping your mixer on low speed. Keep stirring until there’s no dry flour left in the mix. Don’t overdo it—just blend until it’s all smooth.

Shape the Cookies:

  1. This part is fun! Take a small piece of dough, press it into a teaspoon, and flatten the top, scraping off any extra dough. Use your fingers to gently slide the shaped dough out of the spoon, keeping that cute, curved shape.


  1. Place the cookies flat side down on the lined cookie sheets, with the rounded side facing up. Bake them for about 8-10 minutes, just until they start to turn golden at the edges.

Cool & Fill with Jam:

  1. Let the cookies cool on the sheet, then take two cookies and sandwich them together with a little dollop of your favorite jam. If they’re sliding around, pop them in the fridge for 30-60 minutes so they can firm up. All that’s left now is to grab a cookie, take a bite, and enjoy!


Want to make these cookies gluten-free? It’s easier than you’d think. Just swap the all-purpose flour with a good gluten-free baking blend—make sure it’s one that’s a 1:1 substitute for regular flour. That way, you’ll still get that same soft, tender texture. And double-check that your other ingredients (like baking soda and jam) are gluten-free, too. With just a couple of tweaks, you can still enjoy all that buttery, jam-filled goodness without any worry!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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