Classic Creole Macaroni


Classic Creole Macaroni

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Classic Creole Macaroni – Looking for a savory twist. On a classic pasta dish? This Classic Creole Macaroni combines lean ground beef. With vegetables, stewed tomatoes, and sharp cheddar cheese. For a flavorful, hearty casserole. With a unique blend of Creole flavors. It’s perfect for family dinners. Prep time is just 20 minutes. And in under an hour. You’ll have a bubbling dish of goodness. That everyone will love.

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The first time I made this Classic Creole Macaroni. I wanted to surprise my family. With something different. From our usual pasta dishes. My husband loves anything cheesy. And my kids are big fans of pasta. So this was the perfect dish. The Creole seasoning. And the blend of fresh veggies. Really set it apart. When it came out of the oven. Bubbly and golden. It didn’t even last long enough. For leftovers! My kids were begging for seconds. And it quickly became. A weeknight favorite. In our home.

What makes this Classic Creole Macaroni truly stands out?

This recipe stands out. Because of its rich Creole flavors. Combined with familiar ingredients. Like elbow macaroni and ground beef. The stewed tomatoes, bell peppers, and Italian seasoning. Give it a fresh, comforting taste. While the sharp cheddar cheese. Creates a deliciously gooey top layer. The use of vegetable stock. Instead of water. Adds depth to the sauce. Making each bite more flavorful. Plus, it’s a one-pan meal. That feeds a crowd—perfect for busy weeknights. Or weekend gatherings.

Classic Creole Macaroni

What You Need To Make This Classic Creole Macaroni Recipe?

Ground Beef: I use lean ground beef. For this recipe. To keep it flavorful. Without all the grease. If you want to change things up. Ground turkey or chicken. Works just as well.

Onion, Celery, and Bell Pepper: These veggies are the classic base. For any Creole dish. The “holy trinity” of Creole cooking. They bring a fresh, earthy sweetness. To balance the richness of the meat and sauce.

Elbow Macaroni: I love using elbow macaroni here. Because the little grooves. Catch all that savory sauce. If you’re feeling adventurous. Try penne or rotini!

Sharp Cheddar Cheese: The sharper the better! It adds that perfect tang. And richness. To the dish. Feel free to mix in some mozzarella or pepper jack. For extra creaminess. Or a spicy kick.

Stewed Tomatoes: These give the sauce. A slightly sweet. And tangy flavor. The key here is to use them. With their juice. To keep everything moist. And flavorful.

Tomato Paste: This intensifies the tomato flavor. And thickens the sauce. If you’re looking for an even richer taste. Try fire-roasted tomato paste!

Vegetable Stock: Using stock instead of water. Gives the sauce a deeper, richer flavor. I sometimes use beef broth. For an even heartier result.

Italian Seasoning and Garlic Powder: These simple seasonings bring everything together. Giving the dish a warm, herby kick.

Classic Creole Macaroni

Steps To Make Classic Creole Macaroni:

Step 1: Preheat & Prep: First things first. Set your oven to 350°F. And start boiling your macaroni. According to the package instructions. Cook it just right—al dente is key here. Drain. Then set it aside. But don’t forget. To give it a stir now. And then to stop it. From sticking.

Step 2: Sauté the Veggies and Beef: In a large skillet. Over medium heat. Cook your ground beef. With onions, mushrooms, celery, and bell pepper. Watch the magic happen. As the beef browns. And the veggies soften—about 10 minutes. Season with salt. And pepper. Making sure to taste. As you go.

Step 3: Blend the Sauce: Now for the sauce. Blitz together the sugar, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, stewed tomatoes (with their juices), tomato paste, and vegetable stock. In a blender. Or food processor. Blend until it’s silky smooth. Then stir in 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese. This is where the richness comes in!

Step 4: Mix It Up: In your baking dish (I like a 9×13-inch one). Combine your cooked macaroni. With the beef. And veggie mixture. Pour that smooth tomato-cheese sauce. Over everything. And stir. Until it’s evenly coated.

Step 5: Cheesy Finish and Bake: Sprinkle the rest of your sharp cheddar. Over the top. For that golden, bubbly crust. We all love. Pop it in the oven. For 30 minutes. Or until the cheese is melted. And it’s all golden. And bubbly.

Step 6: Cool and Serve: Let it cool. Just a bit before diving in. And you’ve got a comforting Creole-style macaroni dish. The whole family will love!

Classic Creole Macaroni


For a perfect, bubbling top layer. Use freshly grated sharp cheddar cheese. Instead of pre-shredded. Pre-shredded cheese is often coated. In anti-caking agents. Which can prevent it. From melting smoothly. Freshly grated cheese. Will give you that gooey, golden-brown layer. We all crave. Want to elevate this dish even more? Sprinkle some panko breadcrumbs. Over the top before baking. For a delightful crunchy contrast. To the creamy macaroni underneath. Just be sure to let it rest. For 5-10 minutes before serving. So the flavors can meld. And it doesn’t fall apart. When you slice in!

Classic Creole Macaroni

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

Yes! You can prepare the dish. Up to the point of baking. Cover it. And refrigerate it. For up to a day. When you’re ready to serve. Bake as directed.

Can I substitute the ground beef?

Absolutely! You can substitute ground turkey or chicken. Or even plant-based meat. For a healthier or vegetarian-friendly version.

How can I make this dish spicier?

Add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Or red pepper flakes. To the sauce. For a nice heat kick! You can also use a spicy cheddar cheese blend. For extra flavor.

Classic Creole Macaroni

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Classic Creole Macaroni

Classic Creole Macaroni

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
This Classic Creole Macaroni takes your average baked macaroni. To a whole new level. With a Creole twist. Lean ground beef, and fresh vegetables. And a rich tomato-cheese sauce blend. In this comforting, cheesy dish. It's topped with sharp cheddar. And baked. Until bubbly and golden-brown. Each bite is loaded with savory flavors. Making it a crowd-pleaser. For family dinners. Or gatherings. It’s easy to make. And the perfect combination of cheesy goodness. And hearty flavors.


  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • 1 c chopped onion
  • 1 c sliced mushrooms
  • 2 stalks celery diced
  • 1 green bell pepper seeded and diced
  • 10 ounces uncooked elbow macaroni
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 tsp dried Italian seasoning
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 14.5 ounces can stewed tomatoes, undrained
  • 8 ounces tomato paste
  • 1 c vegetable stock
  • 1 1/2 c shredded sharp cheddar cheese divided


  1. Preheat the Oven: Set your oven. To 350°F. And cook the elbow macaroni. According to the package instructions. Once it's perfectly al dente. Drain the pasta. And set it aside. While you get everything else ready.
  2. Brown the Beef and Veggies: In a large skillet. Over medium heat. Cook the lean ground beef. Along with the onions, mushrooms, celery, and green bell pepper. Let the beef brown. And the veggies soften. For about 10 minutes. Season generously. With salt. And pepper. To bring out the flavors.
  3. Blend the Sauce: In a blender. Or food processor. Combine the sugar, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, stewed tomatoes, tomato paste, and vegetable stock. And a pinch of salt. And pepper. Blitz until the sauce is smooth. Then stir in 1/2 cup of the shredded cheddar cheese. To add some creaminess. To the mix.
  4. Mix it Together: In a 9x13-inch baking dish. Combine the cooked macaroni. With the browned beef. And veggie mixture. Pour the sauce. Over everything. And stir. Until it's all well coated. And mixed together.
  5. Cheesy Top and Bake: Sprinkle the remaining sharp cheddar cheese. Over the top. Making sure to cover. The entire surface. Pop it in the oven. And bake. For 30 minutes. Or until the cheese. Is golden brown. And bubbling to perfection.
  6. Serve and Enjoy: Let the casserole cool. For a few minutes before serving. And then dig in!


To make this Classic Creole Macaroni gluten-free. Simply swap out the elbow macaroni. For your favorite gluten-free pasta. There are plenty of gluten-free elbow macaroni options available. That works perfectly. In this dish. Also, replace the all-purpose flour in the sauce. With a gluten-free flour blend. Or cornstarch. Be sure to check the labels. On your vegetable stock and cheese. To make sure they are gluten-free as well. You’ll still get all the same comforting flavors. Without the gluten!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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