Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies


Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies

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Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies – If you’re looking for a unique twist. On your classic cookie. Try these Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies! This recipe blends the sweet, earthy flavors of honey. And cornmeal. Into a soft, chewy treat. These cookies are perfect. For when you want something comforting. And just a little out of the ordinary.

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The first time I made these cookies. I wasn’t sure what to expect. My husband loves cornbread. And I thought it would be fun. To turn that beloved flavor. Into a cookie. The result? Absolute magic! The buttery sweetness. And soft texture. Had my husband grabbing seconds (and maybe even thirds). While my little one. Licked the honey frosting off. With a big smile. These have now become a family favorite. Perfect for cozy evenings. With a cup of tea.

What makes this Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies truly special?

These Honey Cornbread Cookies. Are the ultimate comfort cookie! The combination of sweet honey. And the rich cornmeal. Gives them a texture. Like no other—soft yet slightly crumbly. Plus, the honey frosting. Adds a sweet, velvety finish. That makes these cookies extra indulgent. The cinnamon and vanilla bring warmth. Making these cookies. A perfect anytime treat.

Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies

What You Need To Make This Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies Recipe?

All-Purpose Flour: The backbone of any good cookie. Providing structure and balance. In these cookies. It gives just the right amount of chew. Without being too dense. I always use all-purpose because it’s versatile. But you could experiment. With gluten-free options if needed.

Cornmeal: This is where things get fun. Cornmeal adds that slightly gritty texture. That makes these cookies stand out. From your typical sugar cookies. It’s the secret ingredient. That gives them a rustic. Almost “homey” feel. Trust me. It makes the cookies a little crunchy. While still being soft in the center!

Cornstarch: This is my go-to trick. For making cookies light. And tender. Cornstarch softens the dough. Making sure the cookies melt in your mouth. It’s a subtle ingredient. But without it. The cookies might not have. That perfect bite.

Baking Soda & Baking Powder: These two are the power duo. When it comes to giving your cookies the perfect lift. Together, they help the cookies puff up just enough. While still staying soft and chewy. In the center.

Cream of Tartar: This ingredient may sound fancy. But it’s essential. For adding a slight tang. And giving the cookies a chewy texture. It also helps activate the baking soda. Ensuring these cookies bake up beautifully.

Cinnamon: Just a hint of cinnamon. Brings warmth to the cookies. Without overpowering the honey. And vanilla. I love how it adds a cozy, comforting aroma. As they bake. It’s like the smell of fall. But in cookie form.

Butter: Room temperature butter is key. For getting that perfect creamy texture. When mixed with the sugars. It adds richness. And flavor to the cookies. Making each bite buttery. And indulgent.

Granulated Sugar & Brown Sugar: The combination of both sugars. Creates a perfect balance of sweetness. And depth. The granulated sugar adds crispness. While the brown sugar gives a molasses-like flavor. And helps keep the cookies moist. And soft.

Egg: Just one egg is all you need. To bind the dough together. And add a bit of richness. It also helps give the cookies a tender texture.

Vanilla Extract: Vanilla is the unsung hero of these cookies. It enhances all the other flavors. And adds a subtle sweetness. That’s hard to resist. Use the good stuff—it makes a difference!

Honey: The star of the show! Honey adds natural sweetness. And gives the cookies a subtle floral note. That’s unlike any other sweetener. It’s also what makes these cookies extra special. And a little sticky (in the best way possible).


Butter: You want it soft and creamy. For that dreamy frosting consistency. It’s what makes the frosting rich. And smooth—perfect for spreading. Over the cookies.

Powdered Sugar: No frosting is complete. Without powdered sugar. It dissolves into the butter effortlessly. Creating that velvety texture. We all love in frosting.

Honey: A drizzle of honey in the frosting. Mirrors the sweetness of the cookies. Adding a touch of elegance. And consistency. Throughout the entire dessert.

Vanilla Extract: Vanilla in the frosting brings it all together. Enhancing the sweetness. While complementing the honey. And butter.

Milk: Just a splash is enough. To loosen the frosting. And make it perfectly spreadable. If you want a thinner drizzle. Add a tiny bit more milk!

Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies

Steps To Make Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies:

Step 1: Start by preheating your oven to 350°F. And line two baking sheets. With parchment paper (because who loves scrubbing pans, right?).

Step 2: In a large bowl. Cream together the butter. And sugars. Until they’re light. And fluffy—think cloud-like. About 2-3 minutes.

Step 3: Add in the egg. Along with vanilla, and honey. Mix until everything’s smooth. And combined—don’t you love. How fragrant the honey. And vanilla are together?

Step 4: Gradually mix in your dry ingredients: flour, cornmeal, cornstarch. Baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and cream of tartar. Stir just until everything is combined—be careful. Not to overmix. We want these cookies. To stay tender!

Step 5: Using a cookie scoop. Or a big spoon. Portion out 8 cookies per baking sheet (these will be BIG cookies!). Bake them. For about 9-10 minutes. Or until they’re golden. On the edges. But still soft. In the center.

Step 6: While your cookies are baking. Whip up the frosting. By mixing together the butter. And powdered sugar. Honey, and vanilla. Add just a bit of milk. To get it nice. And spreadable.

Step 7: Once the cookies have cooled. Spread the frosting. Over each one. If you’re feeling fancy. Drizzle a bit. Of extra honey on top. For that final sweet touch. Enjoy every bite!

Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies


For the best results. Make sure your butter. Is at room temperature before starting. This ensures your dough is creamy and smooth. Which helps your cookies bake evenly. Additionally, don’t overmix. Once you add the dry ingredients—this will keep your cookies soft. And tender. If you like a crispier edge. Let them bake. Just a minute longer. And for an extra indulgent touch. Drizzle some honey on top after frosting. The balance of sweet honey. And subtle cornmeal texture. Is absolutely irresistible!

Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make these cookies ahead of time?

Absolutely! You can prepare the dough ahead. And store it in the fridge. For up to 24 hours. When you’re ready to bake. Just scoop and bake!

Can I freeze the cookies?

Yes! You can freeze the baked cookies. Without the frosting. When you’re ready to enjoy them. Thaw and frost them before serving.

Can I use another flour?

While all-purpose flour works best. You could try substituting. With a gluten-free flour blend if needed. The texture might change slightly. But they should. Still be delicious!

Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies

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Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies

Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
These Easy Honey Cornbread Cookies. Are a delightful twist. On traditional cookies! The combination of soft, buttery dough with cornmeal. And a hint of honey. Creates a chewy texture. With just the right amount of crumble. Topped with a smooth honey frosting. These cookies are the perfect balance of sweet. And savory. My family loves them. Fresh out of the oven. And the cinnamon brings a cozy warmth. To every bite. Whether for a quick snack. Or a sweet treat after dinner. They’re always a hit!


  • 1 ½ c all-purpose flour
  • ¾ c cornmeal
  • ¼ c cornstarch
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp cream of tartar
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 c butter softened
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar
  • ½ c brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ tbsp honey


  • c butter softened
  • c powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tsp milk


  1. Set your oven to 350°F. And prepare two baking sheets. By lining them. With parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl. Cream together the butter. And sugars until fluffy. Which should take. About 2-3 minutes.
  3. Beat in the egg, vanilla, and honey. Stirring until well blended.
  4. Gradually incorporate the flour, cornmeal, cornstarch, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and cream of tartar. Mixing just until the dry ingredients. Are fully incorporated.
  5. Scoop out the dough. Forming 8 cookies per sheet. And bake for 9-10 minutes.
  6. While they bake. Prepare the frosting. By combining all ingredients. And mixing. Until smooth.
  7. Once the cookies have cooled. Spread or scoop the frosting on top. And drizzle with honey if desired.


To make these Honey Cornbread Cookies gluten-free. Simply swap out the all-purpose flour. With a gluten-free 1:1 flour blend. That includes xanthan gum for structure. Also, ensure that your cornmeal is labeled gluten-free. To avoid any cross-contamination. The result will still be that lovely crumbly, buttery texture. With the honey. And corn flavors shining through. Making it a delicious gluten-free treat. Everyone can enjoy!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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