Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies


Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies

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Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies – Get ready to impress. With these Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies! Think of rich sugar cookies. Topped with a creamy vanilla pastry filling. Then finish with a classic brûlée sugar topping. The combination of crisp, caramelized sugar. And smooth vanilla cream. On a soft cookie. Is pure magic.

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The first time I made these cookies. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. For a family gathering. My husband took one bite. And said, “It’s like having crème brûlée. And a cookie. All in one!” Even our little one. Was fascinated by the torching part. Watching the sugar bubble. And brown. These cookies became an instant hit. And now, they’re a must-have. For every special occasion.

What makes this Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies truly shine?

What makes these cookies shine? Is their perfect balance of textures. And flavors. The soft, chewy sugar cookie base. Pairs beautifully with the silky vanilla pastry cream. But the real star. Is the brûlée topping—crispy, caramelized sugar. That crackles as you bite into it. Offering that signature crème brûlée experience. Now in cookie form. You get the best of both worlds!

Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies

What You Need To Make This Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies Recipe?

Vanilla Bean Paste: This is the true flavor star of the pastry cream. And the cookie dough. It has a more intense. And aromatic flavor. Than regular vanilla extract. With beautiful flecks of real vanilla bean seeds. It adds a luxurious touch. To the cookies. If you can’t find vanilla bean paste. You can substitute. With pure vanilla extract. But trust me. It’s worth the extra effort to find!

Cornstarch: This is what gives the pastry cream. That thick, velvety texture. It’s the secret. Behind the smooth, spoonable consistency. That holds perfectly. On top of the cookie. Make sure to whisk it well. So there are no lumps. Ensuring a silky-smooth pastry cream.

Granulated Sugar: You’re going to use sugar. In multiple ways here. It sweetens the cookies and cream. And it transforms. Into that crunchy, caramelized brûlée topping. The contrast between the crispy caramelized sugar. And the soft pastry cream. Is what makes these cookies extra special. Be generous when torching the sugar. For the perfect crunchy crackle!

Unsalted Butter: The butter brings everything together. Making the cookies tender. And rich. For the pastry cream. It gives an extra touch of silkiness. And that irresistible melt-in-your-mouth feeling. Using unsalted butter lets you control. The amount of salt in the recipe. Keeping the flavors balanced.

Egg Yolks: These create the rich, custard-like texture. In the pastry cream. They add depth and body. Making the cream smooth. And luscious. Don’t skip out. On using fresh egg yolks — they make all the difference. In flavor and texture!

Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies

Steps To Make Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies:

For the Vanilla Pastry Cream:

Step 1: Start by gently heating the milk. In a saucepan. Until it’s steaming—don’t let it boil. Just let it get nice. And warm. Meanwhile, whisk together. The egg yolks, sugar, salt. Vanilla, and cornstarch. In a bowl. Until it’s smooth. And pale yellow. Slowly whisk in a little of the warm milk. To temper the eggs. Then pour everything back. Into the saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat. Whisking constantly. For about 8-12 minutes. Until the mixture thickens. Into a smooth, custardy dream. Stir in the butter. Cover it. With plastic wrap (right on the surface. To prevent a skin). And chill in the fridge. Until completely cold.

For the Sugar Cookies:

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 350°F. And line two baking sheets. With parchment paper. In one bowl. Whisk together your flour, baking powder, and salt. In another, cream the butter. And sugar. Until it’s light and fluffy. And oh-so-smooth—then add the egg. And vanilla. And keep mixing. Until it’s pale and creamy. Gradually add the dry ingredients. Mixing just until everything. Comes together into a dough. Scoop the dough into balls. Roll them in sugar. For that extra sparkle. And place them. On your baking sheet. Flatten them slightly. And bake for about 9-10 minutes. Just until the edges. Are a lovely golden hue. Let them cool.

Assembling the Cookies:

Step 3: Now the fun part—assembly! Pipe a generous swirl of your chilled pastry cream. On top of each cooled cookie. Sprinkle about a teaspoon of sugar. On top of the cream. Then whip out your kitchen torch. And brûlée away! Watch as the sugar caramelizes. Into a crispy, golden topping. That cracks beautifully. When you bite into it. Let them cool. For 10 minutes before indulging. In these perfect treats.

Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies


When brûléeing the sugar on your cookies. Make sure to move the kitchen torch. In small, circular motions. To evenly caramelize the sugar. Without burning it. If you’re prepping these cookies in advance. Hold off on the brûlée topping. Until just before serving. To keep that signature crispy texture. You can make the pastry cream. And bake the cookies ahead of time. Then assemble. And torch them fresh. For an amazing dessert. That looks (and tastes) like it came straight. From a fancy pâtisserie!

Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make the pastry cream ahead of time?

Yes! You can prepare the pastry cream. Up to 2 days in advance. Just make sure. To store it in the refrigerator. With plastic wrap pressed directly onto the surface. To prevent a skin from forming. When you’re ready to assemble the cookies. Give it a quick whisk. To smooth it out before piping.

What if I don’t have a kitchen torch for the brûlée topping?

No problem! You can use your oven’s broiler. As an alternative. Place the cookies under the broiler. For just a minute or two. Keeping a very close eye on them. So the sugar caramelizes. Without burning. The kitchen torch is easier for precision. But the broiler works in a pinch.

Can I freeze these cookies?

Yes. But it’s best to freeze the sugar cookies. Without the pastry cream. You can freeze the baked cookies. For up to 2 months. In an airtight container. When ready to serve. Simply defrost. Add the pastry cream. And brûlée the sugar topping. Freezing with the cream on top. May affect the texture of both the cream and the cookie.

Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies

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Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies

Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies

Prep Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Cook Time 9 minutes
Assembly Time 20 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 59 minutes
If you love the creamy, rich flavor of crème brûlée. But wish you could enjoy it in cookie form. These Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies are for you! Soft, buttery sugar cookies form the base. Topped with silky vanilla pastry cream. And finished with a crispy caramelized sugar topping. That you brûlée to perfection. It’s a sophisticated dessert. That blends familiar comfort. With a touch of elegance. Whether for a special occasion. Or an indulgent treat. These cookies are pure magic!


For the Vanilla Pastry Cream:

  • 2 1/4 c 540 ml whole milk
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 c + 2 tablespoon 225 grams granulated sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon vanilla bean paste
  • 3 1/2 tablespoon 28 grams cornstarch
  • 3 tablespoon 42 grams unsalted butter, cubed

For the Sugar Cookies:

  • 2 1/2 c 313 grams all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/4 c 250 grams granulated sugar
  • 1 c 224 grams unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste
  • 1/2 c 100 grams granulated sugar (for rolling the dough)
  • 1/2 c 100 grams granulated sugar (for the brûlée topping)


For the Vanilla Pastry Cream:

  1. In a medium saucepan. Warm the milk. Over medium-low heat. Until it starts steaming. Once it's heated. Reduce the heat to low. Until you're ready. To use it.
  2. In a separate large bowl. Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, salt, vanilla, and cornstarch. Until the mixture is smooth. And pale yellow. It may start out thick. But it will smooth out. As you whisk.
  3. Slowly pour. About a quarter of the heated milk. Into the egg mixture. Stirring vigorously. To avoid curdling. Gradually add the remaining milk. And stir. Until combined.
  4. Return the mixture. To the saucepan. Cooking over medium-low heat. For 8-12 minutes. Whisking constantly. Until it thickens. And forms soft peaks.
  5. Remove the pan from heat. Stir in the butter. And mix. Until it's fully incorporated. Transfer the pastry cream. To a bowl. And place plastic wrap. Directly on the surface. To prevent a skin from forming. Let it chill in the fridge. Until fully cooled.

For the Sugar Cookies:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). And line two baking sheets. With parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl. Whisk together the flour. With baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
  3. In another large bowl. Cream the butter. And sugar. With an electric mixer. On high speed. For about two minutes. Until it's fluffy. And light. You can also use a stand mixer. With the paddle attachment if preferred.
  4. Add the egg and vanilla. And beat on medium speed. Until the mixture is pale. And fluffy. About 1-2 minutes.
  5. Gradually add the dry ingredients. To the wet ingredients. Mixing on low speed. Until the dough. Just comes together.
  6. Scoop the dough. Into balls. Using a large cookie scoop. And roll them. In granulated sugar.
  7. Place the dough balls. On the parchment-lined baking sheets. Flattening them slightly. Bake 6 cookies at a time. For 9-10 minutes. Let them cool. On the baking sheet. For 5 minutes. Before transferring them. To a wire rack. To cool completely.

Assembling the Cookies:

  1. Once the cookies. Are completely cooled. Transfer the chilled pastry cream. Into a piping bag. With a small circular tip. Pipe the cream. Onto each cookie.
  2. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar. Over the top of each cookie. And use a kitchen torch. To caramelize the sugar. Until golden brown. And fragrant. Like roasted marshmallows.
  3. Let the cookies rest. For about 10 minutes after torching. Then they're ready to enjoy!


To make these Caramelized Crème Brûlée Cookies gluten-free. Simply substitute the all-purpose flour. In both the pastry cream and cookie dough. With a high-quality gluten-free 1:1 baking mix. Make sure your vanilla bean paste, cornstarch, and other ingredients. Are certified gluten-free as well. To avoid any cross-contamination. With these easy swaps. You can enjoy all the creamy, caramelized goodness. Without the gluten!

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