Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars


Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars

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Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars – If you’re searching for the perfect breakfast. That combines savory, cheesy, and flaky goodness. Look no further than these Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars. With layers of sausage gravy, crispy hash browns, bacon, and cheese. Wrapped in puff pastry. This breakfast treat is a crowd-pleaser. Ready in under an hour. It’s ideal for a special breakfast or brunch.

I remember making this dish for the first time. On a lazy Sunday morning. My husband and kids love breakfast. With all the fixings. But I wanted something more convenient. And creative. When they took their first bite of these cheesy, flaky breakfast bars. They were hooked! Now, this recipe has become a staple. For weekend breakfasts. And they still rave about how all their favorite breakfast items. Come together in one delicious bar.

What makes this Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars truly special?

These Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars. Are the perfect fusion of everything you love about breakfast. All tucked into a buttery, flaky puff pastry. With layers of sausage gravy, crispy hash browns, bacon, and melty cheese. It’s a complete meal in one. Plus, it’s simple to prepare. Making it an excellent option. For busy mornings. And the puff pastry adds an elegant touch. To any brunch spread!

Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars

What You Need To Make This Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars Recipe?

Puff Pastry Sheets: Store-bought puff pastry sheets. Make this recipe quick and easy. But feel free to make your own. If you’re feeling adventurous!

Ground Sausage: Breakfast sausage adds that comforting, savory flavor. You could swap it for turkey sausage. For a lighter option.

Hash Browns: Frozen hash browns save time. But fresh shredded potatoes work too. They add a crispy, starchy layer. That’s so satisfying.

Cheese: Use Havarti or cheddar slices. For a creamy, melty bite. But any cheese that melts well will do. Don’t forget the shredded cheddar. For the ultimate gooey finish!

Bacon: Crispy crumbled bacon. Gives that perfect smoky crunch. If you love bacon, use more!

Egg Mixture: The egg wash helps the pastry. Become beautifully golden. While adding richness to the filling.

Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars

Steps To Make Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars:

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350°F. And line a baking sheet. With parchment paper—this is the foundation. For your perfectly golden, flaky pastries.

Step 2: In a pan. Cook the ground sausage. Until beautifully browned. Then add flour. To create a thick, hearty gravy. Slowly stir in milk. And pepper. To give the gravy a creamy consistency. Remove from heat. And let it cool.

Step 3: Cook your bacon. To your preferred crispness—whether it’s in the air fryer, stovetop, or microwave. It will add a smoky crunch. That’s irresistible.

Step 4: While the bacon cools. Crisp up your hash browns. In a pan until golden. Make sure they don’t become soggy!

Step 5: In a small bowl. Whisk the egg with heavy cream. For a rich, golden egg wash.

Step 6: Now it’s time to assemble: Lay one puff pastry sheet. On your prepared baking sheet. Layer on the sausage gravy, and hash browns. And a touch of the egg mixture. Leave a small border. Around the pastry. For that satisfying sealed edge.

Step 7: Top with cheese slices. And sprinkle the bacon crumbles. And shredded cheese over everything. Carefully place. The second puff pastry sheet on top. Sealing the edges. With a fork.

Step 8: Brush the top. With the remaining egg wash. And bake for 18-23 minutes. Or until the pastry is golden brown. And flaky.

Step 9: Allow it to cool. For a few minutes. Before slicing into squares. And serving. This step is key. For neat, delicious layers!

Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars


For the ultimate flakiness. In your Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars. Make sure your puff pastry is cold. When assembling the bars. If it gets too warm. Pop it back in the fridge. For a few minutes before baking. This ensures the pastry. Puffs perfectly while baking. Also, if you’re looking for an extra savory twist. Try adding a sprinkle of shredded cheese. Between the layers of puff pastry—trust me. It takes this breakfast treat. To a whole new level of cheesy goodness!

Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I prepare these bars ahead of time?

Yes! You can assemble the bars the night before. Store them in the fridge. And bake them fresh in the morning.

Can I substitute the ground sausage?

Absolutely! You can swap the sausage. For turkey sausage, chorizo. Or even a vegetarian option. Like plant-based crumbles.

How can I reheat leftovers?

These bars reheat well in the oven. At 350°F for 5-10 minutes. Or in the air fryer for 2-3 minutes. For a quick, crispy result.

Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars

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Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars

Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 23 minutes
Total Time 53 minutes
These Cheesy Breakfast Stuffed Pastry Bars. Are the ultimate morning indulgence! Layers of savory sausage gravy, crispy hash browns, smoky bacon, and gooey cheese. Are wrapped in buttery, flaky puff pastry. For a breakfast treat. That’s perfect for sharing. Whether you're hosting a brunch. Or treating the family. On a weekend morning. These bars hit. All the right notes of flavor. And texture. The balance of crispy, creamy, and cheesy goodness. Is just what you need. To start the day off right!


  • 2 puff pastry sheets
  • 8 ounces ground sausage
  • 1/4 c flour
  • 1/4 c milk
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 1/2 c frozen shredded hash browns
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 4 slices Havarti or cheddar cheese
  • 4-6 ounces bacon
  • 1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. And line a small. Or medium cookie sheet. With parchment paper. Then set aside.
  2. In a skillet. Cook the ground sausage. Over medium heat. Until browned. And cooked through. Don’t drain the grease. Reduce the heat to medium-low. And stir in 1/4 cup of flour. Allowing it to bubble. And thicken. To create a roux. For the sausage gravy. Add 1/4 cup of milk and pepper. Then remove from heat. For a thicker gravy. Add extra milk. One tablespoon at a time. Until you reach. Your desired consistency. If you're using the same pan. For the next steps. Transfer the sausage gravy. To a bowl. Set it aside. And clean the pan.
  3. Prepare the bacon. Using your preferred method. Air fryer, stovetop. Oven, or microwave. The air fryer is a mess-free option. That also reduces bacon odor. In the house. Once cooked. Crumble the bacon. And set it aside.
  4. In the skillet. Cook the hash browns. Until they’re golden. And crispy. On both sides. If you use oil. Opt for olive oil. And add it sparingly. To avoid soggy hash browns.
  5. In a small bowl. Whisk together the egg. And 2 tablespoons of heavy cream. Set this egg wash aside.
  6. Now it's time to assemble! Lay one puff pastry sheet. On the prepared baking sheet. Spread the sausage gravy. In a square. Leaving about an inch of pastry uncovered. Around the edges. Layer the crispy hash browns. On top of the gravy.
  7. Carefully pour half of the egg mixture. Over the hash browns. Being cautious. Not to let it spill. Onto the bare pastry edges. Brush the uncovered edges. With some of the remaining egg wash. Saving some for the top pastry layer.
  8. Next, place 4 slices of cheese. Over the hash browns. Followed by crumbled bacon. And then sprinkle shredded cheese. On top.
  9. Place the second puff pastry sheet. Over the layers. And press the edges together. To seal. Use a fork. To crimp the edges. All the way around. Brush the remaining egg wash. Over the top of the pastry.
  10. Bake for 18-23 minutes. Or until the top. Is golden brown. Let the bars cool. For 5-10 minutes. Before cutting them. Into 9 pieces (or smaller, if desired). Serve while warm. For maximum flakiness. Enjoy!


To make this recipe gluten-free. Simply swap the puff pastry. With a high-quality gluten-free puff pastry alternative. Which you can find in most specialty grocery stores. Be sure to check your sausage, bacon, and hash browns. For gluten-free labeling as well. With just these simple swaps. You can enjoy all the cheesy, savory goodness of these breakfast bars. Without the gluten!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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