Easy Rotel Mexican Rice


Easy Rotel Mexican Rice

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Easy Rotel Mexican Rice – If you’re looking for a quick. And flavorful side dish. This Easy Rotel Mexican Rice. Will become a favorite in no time. With simple ingredients. Like long-grain white rice, taco seasoning, and a can of Rotel. This baked Mexican rice dish. Is perfect for busy weeknights. With just 5 minutes of prep time. And no stovetop monitoring. It’s an effortless addition. To any meal.

The first time I made this Easy Rotel Mexican Rice. Was on a weeknight. When I needed a quick side dish. For taco night. My husband and child. Couldn’t stop raving. About how flavorful it was. Despite how little effort. I put into making it. This recipe has since become. A staple in our house. And I love how versatile it is—you can serve it alongside tacos, and burritos. Or even grilled chicken. It’s always a hit. And now it’s my go-to. When I need something fast. But satisfying!

What makes this Easy Rotel Mexican Rice truly special?

This recipe is perfect. For busy days. When you want something. That’s easy to make. But packed with flavor. Baking the rice in the oven. Takes away the hassle of monitoring it. On the stovetop. And the Rotel tomatoes with green chilies. Bring just the right amount of spice. Plus, the rich buttery finish. Makes every bite irresistible. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party. Or making a quick weeknight meal. This rice dish. Will please everyone.

Easy Rotel Mexican Rice

What You Need To Make This Easy Rotel Mexican Rice Recipe?

Long-Grain White Rice: Rinsing the rice is crucial. To remove excess starch. And ensure the grains cook up fluffy.

Taco Seasoning: Customize the heat level. By adjusting the amount based on your taste.

Ground Cumin: Adds a warm, earthy flavor. That complements the taco seasoning.

Chicken Broth: Unsalted is ideal. So you can control the saltiness. But if using regular broth. Reduce added salt.

Rotel Diced Tomatoes and Green Chilies: This brings both tangy tomato flavor. And a little heat. Making the rice anything but bland.

Butter: Adding butter gives the dish richness. And a silky finish. You can adjust the amount. Based on how indulgent. You want it to be.

Salt & Pepper: Always adjust these seasonings. To taste for perfect results.

Easy Rotel Mexican Rice

Steps To Make Easy Rotel Mexican Rice:

Step 1: Start by preheating your oven to 425ºF. Spray a 9×9-inch baking dish. With some cooking spray. To prevent sticking.

Step 2: Grab your ingredients. And toss them all. Into the baking dish—yep, it’s that simple! Make sure the rice, taco seasoning, cumin, broth, Rotel, and butter. Are all in there.

Step 3: Give it a little stir. To make sure everything. Is combined. Cover the dish tightly. With aluminum foil. So that the steam. Stays trapped inside.

Step 4: Pop the dish. Into the oven. And let it bake. For 30 minutes. This gives the rice. Time to soak up. All the delicious flavors.

Step 5: Once the timer goes off. Remove the foil carefully (watch out. For the steam!). And stir the rice. Let it bake. For another 20 to 30 minutes. Uncovered. You want the rice. To get tender. And absorb all the broth.

Step 6: Serve hot. And fluffy. With a side of your favorite Mexican dishes. And enjoy!

Easy Rotel Mexican Rice


For the perfect Easy Rotel Mexican Rice. Make sure to rinse your rice thoroughly before cooking. This helps to remove excess starch. Ensuring that the grains cook up fluffy. And separate rather than sticky. If you want to give your dish extra flavor. Swap the butter. With a combination of butter. And olive oil. For a richer texture. And if you’re looking to add some veggies. Stir in cooked corn or bell peppers. During the last 10 minutes of baking.

Easy Rotel Mexican Rice

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use brown rice instead of white rice?

Yes! Just note that brown rice. Takes longer to cook. So you’ll need to increase the cooking time. Start by adding an extra 15-20 minutes. To the covered baking time.

How spicy is this dish?

The spice level is mild to medium. Depending on how much taco seasoning you use. You can always adjust it. By using a mild version of Rotel. Or reducing the seasoning.

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

Absolutely! You can prepare the rice ahead. And reheat it in the oven. Or microwave. It makes great leftovers too.

Easy Rotel Mexican Rice

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Easy Rotel Mexican Rice

Easy Rotel Mexican Rice

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 55 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
This Easy Rotel Mexican Rice is a quick. And flavorful dish. That will elevate your meals. To the next level. Using simple ingredients. Like long-grain rice. Rotel tomatoes with green chilies, and taco seasoning. This baked rice dish. Comes together with minimal effort. What makes it truly special. Is the way all the flavors meld together. As it bakes. Giving you a perfectly tender. And tasty side. It’s perfect for taco night. Or whenever you want. To add a little Mexican flair. To your dinner!


  • 1 c long-grain white rice rinsed
  • 2 tablespoons taco seasoning or adjust to taste
  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • 2⅔ c low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 10-ounce can Rotel diced tomatoes with green chilies, not drained
  • 4 to 6 tablespoons butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat your oven to 425ºF. And generously grease a 9x9-inch baking dish. With non-stick cooking spray. To prevent sticking. In the prepared dish. Combine the rinsed rice. With taco seasoning, ground cumin, and unsalted chicken broth. Undrained Rotel diced tomatoes and green chilies, and butter. Season with salt. And pepper to taste. Then mix well. To evenly distribute. All the flavors.
  2. Cover the dish tightly. With aluminum foil. To trap in the moisture. Ensuring the rice cooks evenly. Place the dish. In the preheated oven. And bake. For 30 minutes.
  3. After 30 minutes. Carefully remove the foil. And stir the rice thoroughly. To prevent any sticking. To the bottom. Continue baking. Uncovered. For an additional 20 to 30 minutes. Or until the rice is tender. And fully cooked.


To make this Easy Rotel Mexican Rice gluten-free. Simply swap out the taco seasoning. For a certified gluten-free version. Many taco seasonings contain wheat as a filler. So be sure to check the label. Additionally, double-check. That the chicken broth you’re using is gluten-free. As some broths may have added gluten-based ingredients. With these simple adjustments. This recipe becomes a delicious. And gluten-free option. For your next meal!

If you try this recipe, please leave a comment and rating below. I love to hear from you and always appreciate your feedback!

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