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Sweet Sugar Plums Recipe

Sweet Sugar Plums Recipe


This Sweet Sugar Plums Recipe. Is a delightful blend of holiday flavors. And textures. The combination of toasted almonds, sweet prunes, and tangy dried cranberries and cherries. Creates a treat. That’s both wholesome and indulgent. The warm spices—cinnamon, nutmeg, and all-spice—bring out the festive spirit. Making these sugar plums. A perfect addition to your holiday dessert table. Simple to prepare. And irresistibly delicious. These treats are sure to become a holiday favorite. In your home.


Sugar Plum or dried prunes



Fresh Nutmeg


dried cranberries and dried cherries

Vanilla extract

Granulated sugar


Toast Almonds: Toast the almonds in the oven. Until golden brown. Enhancing their flavor.

Combine Ingredients: In a food processor, blend the toasted almonds, prunes, cranberries, cherries, and spices. Add vanilla extract. And pulse until the mixture is sticky. And well-combined.

Shape and Roll: Use a tablespoon to scoop out the mixture. Then roll it into 1 ½ inch balls. Coat each ball in granulated sugar. Until fully covered.

Serve and Store: Arrange the sugar plums on a dish. Or in mini cupcake wrappers. Store in an airtight container at room temperature. For up to 2 weeks.


To make this Sweet Sugar Plums Recipe gluten-free. Ensure that all your ingredients. Especially the dried fruits and spices. Are certified gluten-free. Sometimes, dried fruits can be processed with gluten-containing ingredients. So it’s essential to check the labels. Additionally, consider using gluten-free vanilla extract. The recipe is naturally gluten-free. But these precautions. Will ensure that everyone. Including those with gluten sensitivities. Can enjoy these delightful treats.