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Homemade Lemon Sandwich Tea Cookies

Homemade Lemon Sandwich Tea Cookies


Step into a world of refreshing zest. With our Homemade Lemon Sandwich Tea Cookies. Where every bite. Marries the light, buttery crunch of delicately baked cookies. With a burst of tangy lemon cream. These cookies are a labor of love. Perfect for sharing. During spring picnics. Or savored alongside a quiet cup of tea. As you sandwich the bright, creamy filling. Between two golden cookie halves. And dust them with a sprinkle of powdered sugar. You create not just a treat. But a delightful escape. A tiny lemon oasis in each bite. Echoing sunny days. And the simple joys of homemade baking.



For the cookies:

2 1/4 c all-purpose flour

2/3 c superfine sugar

1 egg yolk, gently beaten, at room temperature

1 c unsalted butter, softened

2 tsp lemon zest

2 tsp lemon juice

For the filling:

4 c powdered sugar

1/3 c unsalted butter, softened

4 tbsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp lemon zest

Optional: 1 tbsp milk


Prepare the Cookie Dough:

Cream together the superfine sugar and 1 cup of softened butter. Until light and fluffy.

Mix in the egg yolk, 2 teaspoons of lemon juiceand 2 teaspoons of lemon zest.

Gradually add 2 1/4 cups of all-purpose flour. Mixing until just combined.

Chill the dough in the refrigerator. For 30 minutes.

Bake the Cookies:

Preheat your oven to 375°F.

Roll out the chilled dough to about 1/4-inch thickness. On a floured surface.

Cut out the cookies using your desired shape. And place them on a baking sheet.

Bake for 10-12 minutes. Or until the edges are just turning golden.

Allow the cookies to cool on a wire rack.

Make the Lemon Filling:

In a mixing bowl, beat 1/3 cup of softened butter. Until creamy.

Gradually add 4 cups of powdered sugar, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon zest. Beating until smooth.

If the filling is too thick. Add 1 tablespoon of milk. To reach the desired consistency.

Assemble the Cookies:

Once the cookies have cooled. Spread the lemon filling on the flat side of one cookie.

Top with another cookie. Pressing down gently. To form a sandwich.

Dust the assembled cookies. With additional powdered sugar for garnish.


Allow the filling to set slightly before serving.

Enjoy your delicious lemon sandwich cookies with tea. Or as a delightful snack.


To enjoy these delightful Homemade Lemon Sandwich Tea Cookies without gluten. Simply swap the all-purpose flour. For a gluten-free all-purpose flour blend. That is designed for 1:1 substitution. Make sure the blend includes xanthan gum. Or another binding agent. To help provide structure. And elasticity to your cookie dough. Additionally, double-check that your superfine sugar. And other packaged ingredients. Are certified gluten-free. As some products may have cross-contamination risks. With these easy adjustments. You can ensure that everyone. Regardless of dietary restrictions. Can indulge in the zesty sweetness of these lemony treats. Making your cookie moments inclusive. And just as delicious!