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Fresh Strawberry Upside Down Cake Recipe

Fresh Strawberry Upside Down Cake Recipe


This Fresh Strawberry Upside Down Cake. Is a delightful twist on the classic dessert. The bottom layer of juicy, fresh strawberries. Gets a sweet and tangy boost From the strawberry Jell-O. While the melted miniature marshmallows. Add a gooey, irresistible texture. Topped with a perfectly moist and fluffy yellow cake. This dessert is visually stunning. And incredibly delicious. It’s a breeze to make. Thanks to the convenience of a pre-made cake mix. Making it an ideal treat. For both casual gatherings. And special occasions. Each bite. Is a harmonious blend of flavors. And textures. That will leave everyone craving more.



2 c crushed fresh strawberries

1 (6 oz) package strawberry flavored Jell-O® mix

3 c miniature marshmallows

1 (18 oz) package yellow cake mix, batter prepared as directed on package


Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

Spread the crushed strawberries evenly over the bottom of a 9×13 inch baking pan.

Sprinkle the dry gelatin powder over the strawberries.

Top the strawberries and gelatin. With the miniature marshmallows. Spreading them evenly.

Prepare the cake mix according to the package directions.

Pour the cake batter over the marshmallows. Ensuring it’s evenly distributed.

Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Let the cake cool in the pan for 15 minutes. Run a knife around the edges to loosen. And then invert the cake onto a serving tray.

Store the cake in the refrigerator. Until ready to serve.


To make this Fresh Strawberry Upside Down Cake gluten-free. Simply substitute the yellow cake mix. With a gluten-free cake mix. Ensure that all other ingredients. Including the strawberry Jell-O and marshmallows Are also gluten-free (most brands are, but it’s always good to check). Follow the same instructions for preparation. And baking. The result will be just as delicious. With all the layers of flavors. And textures intact. Making it a perfect dessert. For those with gluten sensitivities. Or preferences.