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Easy Homemade Cream Horns

Easy Homemade Cream Horns


These Easy Homemade Cream Horns. Are a delightful blend of flaky puff pastry. And a rich, creamy filling. The spiral pattern of the pastry. Is not only visually appealing. But also hints at the delicate, flaky layers. You’ll experience with each bite. And the use of marshmallow creme. Adds a unique, fluffy texture. Making them an irresistible treat. Whether enjoyed fresh or chilled. These cream horns. As sure to make anyone’s mouth water. And inspire a baking adventure!



1 package Puff Pastry (2 to a package, makes about 32 total if you use both sheets)

1 recipe cream filling

Sugar (or Xylitol sugar substitute) for sprinkling


1 cup Crisco

1 cup butter

4 cups powdered sugar

4 teaspoons vanilla

3/4 cup marshmallow creme


Thaw and Prep: Thaw the puff pastry as per the package instructions. One sheet yields about 15-16 cream horns.

Preheat and Slice: Preheat oven to 400Β°F. Lay out the puff pastry and slice it into half-inch strips.

Wrap and Sprinkle: Wrap each strip around a cream horn mold, leaving the large end open. Spray with butter-flavored Pam and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake: Bake on a lightly greased sheet for 10-12 minutes until golden.

Cool and Fill: Cream the Crisco and butter, add powdered sugar gradually, then mix in marshmallow creme and vanilla until smooth. Cool horns before filling.

Assemble: Use a pastry bag to fill each horn with the cream. Enjoy fresh or chilled.


To make these cream horns gluten-free. Simply use a gluten-free puff pastry. You can find gluten-free options. In most grocery stores or online. Ensure all other ingredients. Especially powdered sugar and marshmallow creme. Are also gluten-free certified. To avoid any contamination. With these adjustments. You can enjoy this delicious treat. Without any gluten worries!