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Easy Gnocchi Chicken Pot Pie

Easy Gnocchi Chicken Pot Pie


This Easy Gnocchi Chicken Pot Pie. Is a true comfort dish. Blending all the cozy flavors of a traditional pot pie. With the soft, pillowy texture of gluten-free gnocchi. The creamy broth. Packed with tender chicken. And a medley of sautéed veggies. Creates a hearty meal. That’s perfect for chilly evenings. My family loved it. The first time I made it. My husband couldn’t stop asking for seconds. And it’s now become. A go-to dinner recipe. That always satisfies. It’s quick to make, filling. And full of comforting goodness!



4 tbsp butter or plant-based butter

1 c carrots, thinly sliced

4 ounces mushrooms, cut into slices

1 large or 2 smaller celery stalks, finely sliced

1 large shallot or small onion, diced

Season with homemade seasoning salt and black pepper

2 garlic cloves, minced or pressed

1 tsp poultry seasoning

A pinch of dried thyme

3 tbsp gluten-free flour (I prefer Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 Baking Flour)

2 c chicken broth or stock

1 c milk (any variety, I use unsweetened almond milk)

12 ounces gluten-free gnocchi

1 1/2 c cooked, shredded chicken breast (~1/2 pounds)

1/2 c frozen peas


Warm a Dutch oven. Over medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot. Melt the butter. And add the carrots, mushrooms, and celery. And shallots or onions. Stir well. To coat everything. In the butter. Then cook until the mushrooms release their moisture. And it evaporates. About 3-4 minutes. Season with your homemade seasoning salt. And pepper. Continue to sauté. Lowering the heat slightly if needed. Until the vegetables become tender. Another 6-7 minutes.

Next, add the garlic, poultry seasoning, and thyme. Cooking just until the garlic becomes aromatic. About 1-2 minutes.

Sprinkle the flour. Over the vegetables. And stir to combine. Cooking for 1 minute. Gradually pour in the chicken broth. While stirring to avoid lumps. Then add the milk. Increase the heat. To medium-high. Bringing the mixture to a simmer. Stir in the gnocchi. Reduce the heat to medium. And let it simmer. Stirring often. Until the gnocchi are soft. About 5-6 minutes. Finally, mix in the shredded chicken. And peas. Taste and adjust seasoning. With more salt. And pepper if needed. Serve hot in bowls.


To make this recipe gluten-free. Ensure you’re using gluten-free gnocchi. And gluten-free flour like Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 Baking Flour. These substitutions work seamlessly. Without compromising on flavor. Or texture. You’ll get all the creamy, hearty goodness of this classic comfort dish. While keeping it gluten-free. Don’t forget to double-check your chicken broth. As some may contain gluten!