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Cranberry Stuffed Crescent Rolls

  • Author: Audrey
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 8 rolls 1x


Picture yourself taking a bite of a Cranberry Stuffed Crescent Roll. As you sink your teeth into the layers of pastry you’re greeted with a burst of tangy cranberry sauce creating an incredible combination of textures and flavors, in your mouth. These rolls aren’t just a recipe; they are like a hug in every bite. They bring together the buttery goodness of crescent dough with the refreshing taste of cranberries. It’s like a dance between simplicity and sophistication showing us how humble ingredients can be transformed into something comforting. Whether it’s a Sunday brunch or a festive gathering these rolls add that homemade touch, to your table reminding us all about the pleasure that comes from simple yet heartwarming treats.



1 can of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

Homemade or canned cranberry sauce

1 egg, beaten


Let’s begin by preheating your oven according to the instructions mentioned on the package of crescent rolls.

Next open the can of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. Separate them into pieces.

Take 1/2 tablespoon of sauce and spoon it onto the wider end of each crescent roll.

Carefully roll up each piece into the classic crescent shape starting from the end, with the cranberry sauce.

Using a brush lightly coat the top of each roll, with whipped egg.

Follow the baking instructions provided on the crescent roll package. Place your rolls in the oven. Bake them until they turn golden brown.

Once baked remove them from the oven. Allow them to cool for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy these delicious rolls!


If you’re a fan of Cranberry Stuffed Crescent Rolls but need an option you’re, in luck! You can easily adapt this recipe by using gluten-free crescent roll dough of the regular Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. You can find this gluten-free dough at health food stores and supermarkets. These alternatives provide a buttery and flaky texture so you won’t miss out on the wonderful experience of the original recipe.

Just make sure to choose a cranberry sauce when selecting your ingredients. Most cranberry sauces are gluten-free. It’s always a good idea, to double-check. And don’t worry about your egg wash – eggs are naturally free of gluten so you can continue preparing it as usual.

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: Cranberry Stuffed Crescent Rolls